venerdì 9 luglio 2010

US Field Manual concerned about Uranium

FM 3-34.5/MCRP 4-11B (FM 3-100.4) - February 2010

pdf here:




2-15. Multinational operations planning requires that the staff be aware of the environmental constraints placed on multinational operations by international agreements applicable to U.S. forces. Military material restrictions, such as limitation on depleted uranium ammunition, may also limit the method by which U.S. forces conduct multinational operations. Additionally, the military must consider foreign nation cultural and historical sensitivities as a factor in planning multinational operations. Many international forces with which U.S. forces operate may have different standards for integrating environmental considerations. U.S. forces will have to coordinate and sometimes assist multinational forces in integrating environmental considerations to ensure consistent standards and levels of protection for the environment, the civilian population, and deployed Soldiers and Marines.


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