martedì 21 giugno 2011

FISSION EVENT and Fire at Fukushima #4

FISSION EVENT and Fire at Fukushima #4
June 15, 2011
By Tom Burnett

This is TEPCO video of the #4 fuel pool at Fukushima Daiichi just after midnight last night, June 14, 2011.

It is on fire by 00:46.

There is an explosion at the back of the structure which is captured in frame 1:05.

There is a flash of Cherenkov radiation visible – at least to me – from the back of the structure between frames 1:05 – 1.07.

There is more fire and smoke at 1:31, 1:36, 1:46 and the fuel becomes energetic at 2:12. A transient criticality event appears to have been achieved at ~1.07 although not many other people seem to see it. Fission events occur at the point of the flashes.

The fuel pool HAS disintegrated into yet another disaster. Anyone even remotely near Fukushima Daiichi with a metallic taste in their mouth should seek medical attention.

Fukushima timelapse June 14, 2011

Dr. Tom is a retired scientist who is now farming on the Big Island of Hawaii. He blogs at

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31 Responses to FISSION EVENT and Fire at Fukushima #4

A Green Road on June 20, 2011 at 9:48 pm

The sorry thing about this whole situation is the Russians cleaned up and covered Chernobyl, which was also a molten core outside of containment in a MONTH, using 700,000 people.

TEPCO and the Japanese government keep covering this up, denying anything and everything, spinning, weaving and bobbing, but not DOING anything to stop the radioactive VOLCANO polluting the whole world. Meanwhile the death rate of infants and elderly goes up 35% in the US, immediately after FUKU-SHIMA.

The situation seems to be deteriorating, not getting better. Pouring water on 3 melted through reactor cores is NOT SOLVING THE PROBLEM, it is just making it much worse, by spreading it around not only in the air, but groundwater, ocean water and soil.

When are they going to face reality and work on getting this permanently covered, sealed and SARCOPHOGIZED? They may have to sacrifice 500,000 army guys, just like they did in Russia…

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Tom Burnett on June 20, 2011 at 9:57 pm

Even if they cover it in concrete, they can’t seal the bottom. The groundwater in Honshu is doomed and so, probably, is a good chunk of the Pacific Ocean.

Neutron bombs – The US, Russia and China can make them. We’ll see who uses them first.

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