sabato 4 giugno 2011

Fukushima : Advice is to leave Tokyo

Winds have turned, hot particles to head south from Fukushima — Advice is to leave Tokyo if Unit No. 4 collapses (AUDIO)

ENENEWS, June 4th, 201

Transcript for Exclusive Arnie Gundersen Interview: The Dangers of Fukushima Are Worse and Longer-lived Than We Think, Chris Martenson, June 3, 2011:

Arnie Gundersen, nuclear consultant

[N]ow the winds have turned, so they are heading to the south toward Tokyo and now my concern and my advice to friends that if there is a severe aftershock and the Unit 4 building collapses, leave. We are well beyond where any science has ever gone at that point and nuclear fuel lying on the ground and getting hot is not a condition that anyone has ever analyzed. [...]

[M]ainly cesium and strontium – those are going to head south, whether or not there is a tropical hurricane. The wind is going to push it south this time and so the issue is not the total radiation you might measure with a Geiger counter in your hand, but hot particles. [...]

Listen to the audio interview here.

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