giovedì 9 febbraio 2012

Unsuspecting Public Being Sacrificed

Fukushima – 350 Times Maximum Annual 

Radiation Dose Permissible?


Is an Unsuspecting Public Being Sacrificed?

350 Times the Maximum Annual Radiation Dose Permissible 40 mSv Hour Mainichi Daily News 20120121p2
350 Times the Maximum Annual Radiation Dose Permissible 40 mSv Hour Mainichi Daily News 20120121

    … by  Bob Nichols

(San Francisco) A recent headline on the six crippled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Reactors read: “40 microSv/h detected from radioactive gravel site used for schools, homes — Measured one meter above source,” Jan 21, 2012.
I asked Physicist Dr. Paolo Scampa, PhD. of the AIPRI Blog fame, what this translates to for everyday people, their kids and families. The Fukushima nuclear tragedy is still going on after 335 days as of Wed, Feb 08, 2012 affecting the entire world.

US Imperial Unit Measurements

Dr. Scampa stated:

Public Warnings?
“An absorbed dose of 40 microSievert/hour at one Meter or about 39 inches above the ground, means a radioactive deposit creating an average of 12,330,000.00 Cesium 137 nuclear explosions per second (Becquerels) for every 39 inches square over much of the Northern Hemisphere.
Further, the radiation is spreading rapidly through the air. The Earth’s  surface is covered with many deadly radioactive isotopes from the six crippled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Reactors.”
 “This is 22 times more Radiation than the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) decreed for the Chernobyl Nuclear Reactor Disaster Exclusion Zone when they said everyone had to leave.
In Chernobyl the radioactivity level was 555,000.00 radioactive molecular nuclear explosions per second per 39 square inches.”
By contrast, delusional Japanese “public officials” declared deadly radioactive areas a simple Picnic and Recreation Grounds, thus sacrificing in place an unsuspecting public.
Dr Scampa concluded:
“This amount for a 39 square inch reading is, in fact, situated between a minimum deposit of 2.96 Million radioactive molecular nuclear explosions per 39 square inches of very energetic gamma rays from radioactive elements such as Cobalt 60 or  Rubidium 90 on the low side; and, the  maximum is a deposit of 74 Million radioactive molecular nuclear explosions per 39 square inches for low energy gamma rays from radioactive elements such as Uranium 238.
A single particle of this fuel stuck in the human body is about 350 times the Maximum Annual Radiation Dose Permissible.”

Metric Unit Measurements

Dr Scampa:

Why No Media Coverage?
“An absorbed dose of 40,0 microSieverts/hour at 1 meter above ground means an average deposit of 1,233E7 Bq/m2 of Cs137 (0,661 MeV.) This is 22 times greater than the IAEA Chernobyl Nuclear Reactor Disaster Exclusion Zone value of 555,000 Bq/m2.
This amount for 1 meter above the ground is, in fact, situated between a maximum deposit of 7,400E7 Bq/m2 for low energy gamma rays from radioactive elements such as Uranium 238 (0,0495 MeV) and a minimum deposit of  2,960E6 Bq/m2 of very energetic gamma rays from radioactive elements such as Cobalt 60 (2,55 MeV) or Rubidium 90 (0,881 – 4,2 MeV).
A single particle of this fuel immobilised in the body corresponds to 350 times the Maximum Annual Radiation Dose Permissible.
By contrast, delusional Japanese “public officials” declared deadly radioactive areas just a simple Picnic and Recreation Ground; thus sacrificing in place an unsuspecting public.”
Chris Busby, 2011, The health outcome of the Fukushima catastrophe. Initial analysis from risk model of the European Committee on Radiation Risk ECRR.
James T. (Tom) Voss, 2001, Los Alamos Radiation Monitoring Notebook.
Copyright 2012 by Bob Nichols. Re-print only with Notes and Sources included.

Sources and Notes

“Radiation of 40 microsieverts per hour detected at Namie quarry,” Feb 8, 2012,  The Mainichi Daily News,
“40 microSv/h detected from radioactive gravel site used for schools, homes — Measured ONE METER above source,” Dr. Paolo Scampa, SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 2012, AIPRI Blog,
“40 microSv/h detected from radioactive gravel site used for schools, homes — Measured one meter above source,” January 21st, 2012, By ENENEWS ADMIN
Radioactive Isotopes mentioned above.
Cesium 137 (0.661 MeV)
Cobalt 60 (2.55 MeV)
Rubidium 90 (0.881 – 4.2 MeV)
Uranium 238 (4.95 MeV.)
Editing:  Jim W. Dean

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