venerdì 15 luglio 2011

Fukushima Fallout Intensifies

Tim Rifat - Fukushima Fallout Intensifies - 14 July 2011

Tim Rifat on Jeff Rense 13th July 2011 : once again the mainstream is is down playing the situation for some reason. when will our media learn the more they lie the more we catch them the more we lose trust in them and their abilities to cover stories. this disaster is many times worse then japan.Don't believe what the Japanese media says and don't believe what the Japanese Government says and don't believe what TEPCO says, ever. People who have eaten this beef will have, for the rest of their lives, cesium in their bodies — non stop. They will never get rid of it. Tim Rifat talks about the real extent of the Fukushima nuclear disaster how we have been lied to by the governments and main stream media , the Rotschild want to destroy themselves and the world says Tim , The Rotschild are aware of the dangers of the change in the galactic alignment and 2012

Tim Rifat contends that as the Rothschilds have conquered all the Western world, while borrowing from the Chinese, that the Chinese are the last obstacle, as they neither want to sink with worthless dollars nor allow the Rothschilds to conquer them.Hence the Korean conflict can be seen as a war of bravado by proxy between the Rothschilds and China. Tim occasionally groups the Rothschilds with London Satanic bankers.

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Come le ricadute radioattive di Fukushima sono nascoste al pubblico

[Cose che la scienzah vi nasconde] Come le ricadute radioattive di Fukushima a Tokyo sono state nascoste al pubblico Il radiochimico giappon...