domenica 31 luglio 2011

Documentary on the Contamination by Uranium

Wake UP: A New Short Documentary on the Contamination by the Uranium

Dear all,

This is from David Bradbury, Australian documentary director,
about Wake Up, a new short documentary on the contamination by
uranium mining in Australia. The DU problem is also mentioned, and
Dr. Rosalie Bertell, Dr. Helen Caldicott, and others explain about
the danger of radiation exposure.

 Wake Up (12minutes)

It will explain how a decision about opening up Olympic Dam uranium
mine (which currently exports 5,000 tonnes per year of yellowcake,
including Uranium Oxide which was used in Fukushima plant...) to
export 19,000 tonnes of yellowcake per year four years after the mine
is expanded. Olympic Dam has the largest known reserve of uranium on
the planet. It is owned by the largest mining corporation in the
world. BHPBilliton. They have ignored the wishes of the real
traditional owners and gotten some token Aboriginal people who DO NOT
have the right to speak for their land to give their approval (and
paid some small money of course...). So it seems to meet with the
approval of Aboriginal people so us white race of Australians think
its ok with them.

For Aboriginal opposition to Olympic Dam on the website see the clip
Out of Site Out of Mine. They too had the Atom bomb dropped on them
in 1953 by the British. Its under the tab 'Video' :

Out of Site Out of Mine.

Here is an article in an Australian newspaper with a visiting
Japanese activist. He points out the yellowcake from Fukushima came
from Olympic Dam in South Australia. nTjX9d

Best regards and please tell me how we can help you.
We are working on having a translation done of Wake up with some
Japanese friends who live near me.
Yours in the struggle for Humanity and all species,

David Bradbury.

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