lunedì 4 luglio 2011

Irradiated in the USA

Irradiated in the USA

How many times have we heard that a new medication breakthrough has been discovered and has been shown to cure serious diseases - but are told it will be 5-10 years, or more, before it will be available to the public because it must first be thoroughly tested for safety by the FDA?

Yet, based on the actions of one individual on Christmas Day, 2009, Backscatter X-ray machines were installed all over the US in literally a matter of days without any independent testing or trials of the suitability of mass x-raying millions of people?

Remember the "underwear bomber"? Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab had no passport, he was on a terror watch list, and his own father had tried to warn U.S. intelligence beforehand that he was a threat. And yet he walked right on board, aided by a well-dressed Indian man who has since disappeared with the FBI seemingly engaged in a cover-up to protect his identity.

Yet, despite all the breakdowns in supposed "security", the usual and opposite reaction of any private organization ensued. A private organization with such a breakdown would be fired. When Government screws up, which is not a rare occurance, the demand is always formore government... more money.

The Backscatter machines have been around for a while but the Government could never get enough support to install them (see this 2007 article on the Backscatter).

The "underwear bomber" was just what they needed. Michael Chertoff, Former Department of Homeland Security and now the head of the Chertoff Group, was the lead cheerleader for what is being called the Full Body Scanner Lobby and, coincidentally, was hawking full body scanners in the days after the underwear bomber. In 2009, Chertoff went on a media tour promoting the use of these scanners, without disclosing that he was getting paid by Rapiscan, one of the two companies currently contracted by TSA to provide the scanners.

But, today, news emerged that the TSA has been caught covering up a surge in cases of TSA workers developing cancer as a result of their close proximity to radiation-firing devices. The information came from the latest FOIA documents obtained by the Electronic Privacy Information Center.

It really shouldn't come as much of a surprise. After all, think about when you go to get an X-ray at your doctors office. They put a heavy lead vest on you and try to just focus the X-ray on the part of the body they wish to investigate. Meanwhile, the doctor, nurse or X-ray specialist goes into a separate room behind protected glass.

The Backscatters? The people being X-rayed are getting a full body X-ray... something that can really add up for frequent travellers (and part of the reason why a Pilot group has called for all pilots to refuse the Backscatter). Meanwhile, TSA agents stand literally feet away from the machine, being exposed to radiation hundreds of times per day.

Now, I abhor the TSA and I dislike most of the types of people who tend to gravitate to jobs in the TSA - but even I am not in favor of irradiating them constantly, on purpose.

Still, the TSA does not allow any independent outside testing of the safety of these machines even after some internal tests showed them emitting 10 times more radiation than they are purported to emit.

Some people have even vowed to never fly in or through the US as long as these machines are used, stating that even being in the same room as one of these machines is risky. It's hard to disagree with them - at least unless a serious independent study can be done.

The Top 3 Reasons Why This Machine is Unnecessary and Needs to be Removed

1. The whole reason for the existence of the TSA is 9/11. Despite all the evidence that the official 9/11 story is impossible (see the Loose Change documentary), the official story is that people with "box-cutters" hijacked the planes. Since then the door to the cockpit has been reinforced so people cannot now gain entry into the cockpit. As well, no airplane will ever be hijacked in the US again. The reason? The memories of 9/11 are still too fresh and any attempt to hijack a plane will immediately be met by passenger resistance just like the Turkish Airlines hijacking earlier this year.

2. They don't work. In numerous tests by the TSA sending undercover agents through the scanners, they have never detected the threat. In this instance earlier this year, an agent carrying a handgun went undetected through the Backscatter.

3. Both the 9/11 attacks and the Underwear Bomber were quite obviously either conducted by factions inside the US Government or, at the very least, allowed to happen despite prior knowledge by the Government. Efforts need to be focused on a serious, independent investigation into these serious events and not on irradiating hundreds of millions of people unnecessarily.

There are thousands of very good reasons not to travel to or anywhere in the US now, including this British couple who spent 5 weeks inside what they called a "third world prison" in the US because a US customs agent forgot to stamp their passport upon entry!

Or, the "seven hour security check" a bunch of old British people were subject to recently in Los Angeles.

Being forcibly irradiated or groped is just another reason not to go to the US. And, for those that live in the US, it is just another reason to want to get out of there.

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