mercoledì 23 febbraio 2011


by Jim Phelps

Some of you may wonder who in the world that I am. Who is this person that goes by the name "Jim Phelps" and sounds like the TV show "Mission Impossible?" It is my real name and the rest of the story is interesting.

I am a person that worked as a "Development Staff" person for Oak Ridge National Lab at the height of the Cold War during the Reagan Administration. I have degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Tennessee.

All degrees mean is that you can be trained in the ways of industry. This training would be my ticket into one of the most corrupt nuclear national security organizations in the world called ORNL and DOE-ORO.

I would come to learn that all my nice industry training would be turned upon its ear with what I was to come to learn about the interactions of fluorides and metals on the human immune system and health. I found that industry made some large mistakes and some huge wrong turns in its haste for money and short-term goals. I also found that industry has engaged in one huge cover up on the effects of fluoride compounds.

I found in some 6,000-year-old knowledge more insights into human health than all the training from industry. This became an epic revelation, once the pieces fell into place. It became a turning point event in the world of national security. A point where 6,000 year old science was shown to know more than we know today on the elements of health.

I am a second generation Oak Ridge worker, as my father worked at the Y-12 bomb plant for some 30 years before having to take early retirement. I learned first hand that the management of Y-12 knew they were making workers sick with the toxic metals and chemicals present. I knew there were serious problems with the Hydrogen Fluoride "Salt Shop" operation at the Y-12 plant.

I also learned that Oak Ridge managers were more than willing to lie and deceive people to run these toxic processes. Their biggest lies were on the safety of hydrogen fluoride, which is one of the most dangerous chemicals in the world. It is a cumulative poison with many health effects that the chemical and metals industries have kept hidden.

When I was in grammar school I was exposed to Y-12 plant uranium contamination that my dad brought home daily. He helped to make the hydrogen bomb components from uranium. He told many stories of uranium catching fire and sparks flying from under shoes when walking in the contaminated areas. When I was in high school I knew how the A-bombs worked, the machining characteristics of uranium, etc. I knew the warheads that Y-12 made to put on the Jupiter missiles in Turkey were unreliable because of Y-12's explosive mirror problems.

My lineage comes from the Phelps family, which traces its heritage back to Europe and the Welf and Guelph families that trace their heritage to the House of David. My mother's side of the family also traces back to Jewish heritages. This background prompted me to follow some of the deeper issues of religion linked to the End-Times.

This connected me to many of the Jewish secrets in the Manhattan Project. I discovered my princely family heritage was highly into mining metals and had much expertise in this area.

I knew things like the sword Excalibur were tied to meteor "Star Metals" of Egypt and the Magi, and provided steel when steel was supposed to be not possible. The legend of the "Isle of Avalon" and Glastonbury Abby was linked to the family of Jesus fleeing the Holy Lands, and that Jesus had visited the UK as a kid because his family owned copper and tin mines there.

Iron in the swamps around Avalon was purified by Iron digesting bacteria and this was used to get the early rare steel used to forge Excalibur. This was some of the special knowledge in Old World metals.

The Jews and the Egyptians were masters in metal mining and working. King Solomon mined Gold in volcanic sites and the Egyptian holy temples were about mining Gold. The story of Mt. Sinai and Moses was about a volcano. The story and the assumptions from these Jewish histories are not about a relationship with God, the Creator. This Jewish interpretation for God causes serious problems in the world today.

I developed a fascination with volcanoes and visited many and walked on each like Moses did in his times. It was just for an experiment and I liked to be barefoot on hikes anyway. These little experiments lead to the long line of mining operations connected in the family back to ancient times. I also picked up that many beneficial metals aided in health and longevity. The Egyptians used ingesting elemental gold as a medicine. When I came to Oak Ridge I was to study the health effects from metals intensively from their many emissions.

During my stay at ORNL I worked on a variety of projects from those for the FEMA-COG projects to these of keeping the US Navy in RADIAC radiation instruments. I developed a system to topologically survey radiation areas, USRADS, for clean up when the Cold War subsided. I was considered a Genius by many and a danger because I knew too much about their hushed up serious problems. I even knew that Oak Ridge conspired to murder JFK to support their jobs there. I knew the major players the day it happened, they were Jewish and pro-Israel. One, I knew personally.

In working on FEMA-COG projects to keep the Govt. working if the Russians tried to decapitate the US leadership, I talked to persons that were involved in the nuclear bomb testing. My work on bomb survivable radiation detection network and "meteor-burst communication" systems provided me with very unique knowledge. These persons saw little brown skin natives put in cages for the nuclear tests to study the radiation and blast effects upon them. These little humans were also used in airborne balloon nuclear testing in 1947. This became the epic cover up in national security.

I have been to the Top Secret Presidential Bunker called "Mt. Weather," which is near Berryville, Va., for those meetings with the "Spooks" of the "Black Project" world. I have been to the homes of the Mt. Weather director and done dinners with he and others. I have been to the home of FEMA-COG person named Carl Siebentritt and done dinners with he and others.

In my days at ORNL, I was highly recognized for my ideas and inventions. And most especially for my knowledge of the skeletons in the national security closet.

At ORNL, I discovered the major health problems associated with Hydrogen Fluoride losses from the plant processes in Oak Ridge, particularly from the Gaseous Diffusion Plant called K-25. My discovery found that fluorides complex with various metals to upset the immune system via G-protein type pathways. The G-proteins were named after God Proteins and the discoverer went on to win the Nobel Prize years later.

This process played a dominant role in immune illness, aging, and death. It was one "Mega" discovery that rocked the boat of profits from industry and showed many very wrong concepts. I showed the importance of human and animal development on this planet were highly tied to the trace metals in soils and water from volcanic and other releases.

I also discovered the ideas for making "CHEMTRAILS" or "Air Pharmacology" to treat the global warming and health effects. My ideas were to use Aluminum to seed clouds that are dispersed from jet plane fuel burning. The ideas also included the dispersion of cheep titanium to reduce the effects of fluoride-
metal complex metals on animal health. The titanium and fluoride complex did not from the bonding angles that activated the G-protein bonding sites.

My ideas also included the use of Barium to introduce photoelectric effects into the air to make it conductive and change the potential gradient to reduce storm energies. This is a very secret program today, despite the easily observable jet trails in the skies raining down on the unsuspecting heads of humans daily. These type methods will give the US control of the weather and also slow down the problems of global warming and deadly storms.

These methods are related to colloid metal processes in both water and air, and lead to the kick off of the "Nano" materials research on health. In Chemtrail methods, colloid metal particles drift down through the air reacting with the sulfuric, HCl, HF acids and removing them. Colloid metal processes are the secret behind "Cold Fusion." Electrically conductive metal colloids set up a nano-interface for the fusion of deuterium atoms on the surfaces of metals.

My discoveries at ORNL have lead to some of the most secretive and intensive projects since the Manhattan Project. The secrecy of these projects are guaranteed by the very same system that was used to cover up and conceal the JFK assassination and the war crime murders of little jungle native aliens for atomic testing. The Jewish dominated national security system of the US can literally get away with the murder of US presidents.

At ORNL, I became one of the few persons ever exposed to a fission fast gas release from a fission problem in the ORNL gunnite tanks. This uncontained nuclear release accident would have closed down ORNL if Congress had learned of this problem. The highly radioactive Xenon and Krypton fast nuclear gases released posed a severe danger to the lab staff. I was one of the persons to get coated with this nuclear fallout.

Other problems that I knew about were the unsafe fuel storage at the ORNL MSRE reactor. A UF-6 criticality often forced HF into the building air and those exposed were used as guinea pigs to study what these low level releases did to human health. The MSRE fuel system used bellows valves that were easily ruptured from UF-6 criticality pressure surges. The radioactive fuel system cooked off fluorine gas, which then hit grease on the valve and water and made a rocket fuel explosion at MSRE. It made dozens of people very sick. I also knew of a nuclear accident at the Y-12 Chestnut Ridge burial ground that produced a "Column of Fire" from hydrogen emissions.

I was also privy to all the DOE's varied operations via varied information conduits. I knew there were vulnerabilities at Hanford from mortar hits to high level waste storage and my warning was heeded by nets put in place over these zones. I talked to the persons that personally witnessed the clogged filters at Rocky Flats with plutonium. I was aware of the methods using Freon burned in automobiles to cause "pass out" accidents, like the one that killed Karen Silkwood.

I knew about the CIA's Sydney Gottlieb experiments with LSD and the specialized "No Pest Strip" technique used with LSD to make targets paranoid and appear crazy. This is the technique suspected of being used on James Forrestal after he made a trip to determine the alien problems in 1947 and found essentially human experiment war crimes covered up by Truman. He was fired by Truman and died of problems that look like LSD induced suicide shortly afterwards.

I worked on microwave linked robotic manipulators that became the ideas for UAV's like the near noiseless and RADAR invisible "Dark Star" and the lesser "Predator." Dark Star could be equipped to carry Freon and use its pulse engine method to propel burned Freon smoke rings to the ground to make problems like in the Silkwood case.

My ideas went on to fund major projects at the DOE's area 51. Area 51 is where the DOE hides it most dangerous secrets that can put the White House presidents in jail for things from human experiment war crimes to the cover up of the End-Times health effects.

My ORNL information conduits lead straight to persons like Cheney, Rumsfeld, Reagan via the FEMA-COG connections. These connections are the shadow Govt. that keeps varied issues blacked out from public knowledge. Even many matters that are War Crimes and totally illegal.

Today, I am a legend in the world of national security for going straight and recommending the criminalprosecution of the upper levels of the shadow Govt. I used to work for the "crooks" of the Oak Ridge national security system as their most prolific inventor. I was the inventor that defined God for them and explained the messages of the Revelations.

I am now their worst enemy and a Whistleblower. I have been repeatedly attacked for coming out on these RICO Crimes and treason's against Americans. These attacks have slowed down my progress and left me with CFS related health problems due to plant fluorine exposures and fluoride chemical attacks.

These are the factors that make Oak Ridge the most corrupted city on the face of the planet. Oak Ridge sponsored the "City of Hate" that had JFK killed, and they sponsor varied Hate Crimes to this day. Oak Ridge also keeps the secret on how God from the Jewish texts is not a valid concept for God, the Creator.

Oak Ridge's big secret here keeps the churches funded with scare tactics on God and fuels the fires of the Jewish and Arab war that is now called Terrorism. Oak Ridge gives Bush-41 his false platform for the NWO. Oak Ridge has again set up a make work project using false and illegal methods. Oak Ridge works by methods of Racketeering.

Perhaps my most valuable discovery at ORNL was finding the real issues pertaining to the Ark of the Covenant. My studies found that Moses ran to the area of "Midian" and the City of "Madian" in Saudi Arabia after he killed an Egyptian. This area had a nearby volcano, which Moses came to know well with the "Burning Bush" story. The story of the "Burning Bush" is about an impending eruption and how plants could survive in such a harsh environment and was linked to the issues of the Manna food.

Moses was making a transition into monotheism in these times and he made a few mistakes in its execution. He was all for the Manna effects to feed the Jews, but against the Egyptian temple methods of golden calf style manna effects. This would lead back to the multiple gods of Egypt and Rome. Moses' big problem was he presented Mother Nature or the natural order as God.

This is easily seen today, but perhaps not in these times of early transitions toward monotheism. Moses mistakes have grown to huge problems today due to persons not understanding this problem and taking things literally from him.

Manna was linked to the issue of the "Golden Calf," where gold rings were cooked in a fire with the meat. This coated the meat with some gold, which had a medicinal effect to ward off the health effects from volcanic toxic release, such as the very dangerous fluoride releases. The trace gold works by complexing with the fluoride and blocks the formation of dangerous G-proteins. It is an analogue of the titanium method used for chemtrails. This was how the titanium method was discovered.

I had explained the legend of the "Purple Manna" as that for gold colloid, which takes on a purple color. The "GoldManna" was the ultimate perfection for the manna that interfered with the formation of the destructive fluoride-
metal complex and allowed persons to survive in these toxic environments.

I found the basic secret for the "Manna" was the beneficial trace metals caused plants to grow like the best fertilizers ever seen. Manna was basically fertilizer using trace metals. The DOE today often takes its hazardous trace metals mining wastes and dumps them into fertilizer mills.

The area where Moses fed the people with Manna was located downwind of this Mt. Sinai volcano, where these trace metals fell onto a large plain. And the famous rock that Moses split has a natural face upon it that looks a bit like Moses with an Egyptian religious headdress. During the times of the these eruptions, due to a geologic fault across the Red Sea crossing zone, the area would have been raised due to the volcanic pressures there.

This long finger of the Red Sea experiences tides of 24 ft. today. Add the effects of the times with the large volcanic dark clouds modifying the weather with high-pressure zones and strong winds adding to these tidal effects. Then, one has what caused the Red Sea to part and produce one of the most famous of battlefield uses of natural elements to establish a strategic win for Moses in freeing his people from Egypt. Moses was an expert on the region effects from the volcano by observation of this periodic effect. The US military seeks to learn and adapt these same methods to use weather for its purposes. This added a new chapter to the war college at West Point.

I defined a difference between the "God of Moses" and the "God the creator," or the intelligent force in the universe that sets up the natural order.

God, the creator, as the intelligent force in the universe has made things like 4 state DNA chains that appear like billion-bit computer codes. The creator intelligence affects set up order in the universe and makes order from chaos. The God of Moses claimed the natural order effect of a volcano was God. God is not a volcano.

This is an interesting difference that causes huge problems for religions and the Jew's beliefs on Moses. It is a real problem related to the creation of the nationalistic state of "Israel," which means to "struggle with God."

These ideas came to produce elements for the Star Wars "Excalibur" weapons system, as these volcanoes and nuclear weapons columns of fire tend to upset the Earth's potential gradient. When this merged with the Tunguska USSR Blast meteor effect, we had Excalibur that used LASERS to discharge the Earth's capacitor. And the ideas on weather modification using "HAARP" and "Chemtrail" photoelectric methods. The ideas also explained the problems that Noah experienced from larger weather effects of a volcanic detonation in his times causing huge rains for 40 days and nights, and how these two events of the Ark are related.

My explanations for these Biblical "miracles" were the rational explanations for known natural order effects on this planet due to volcanic effects. In the mid-1980s, this explanation became widely accepted in national security circles for the truth on the biblical narratives and record. The simple truths in this explanation threatened everything from religion to medicine, and the hiding of this truth could be used for extreme exploitation by the rich and powerful.

The Bush Empire types are the lead exploiters in the US.They commit crimes against the world with these cover-ups from religion. Religion in the US avoids telling these simple explanations of the Old Testaments narratives, because these religion factions know this will change things for religion. They will no longer be able to make their false claims of miracles and invoke their alleged special associations with God.

Most of them will be exposed as misleading the country and setting up the differences leading to the End-Times war. They won't be seen as clearly stating what Jesus was speaking about in his Revelations. One needs to keep in mind that the word "Jesus" in Hebrew means, "God Saves." The truth here will separate religion's leaders from the money they have made by spinning exaggerated tales for simple effect from nature.

I had discovered that the Bible's miracles were really just simple rational events of natural processes. There were no real miracles, only misrepresenta-
tion and overselling by those interested in making money from religion. This information threatened the religious evangelists that depend on the idea of miracles to sell their religion.

I had explained the Manna effects, the Dead Sea Crossing, the Image of a human on the rock that Moses split, the factors driving the End-Times, and the rational processes that make them happen. I even had the main driver for Armageddon in my grasp, and it was totally rooted in misrepresentation. Religion had then become a racketeering operation due to these blatant mis-representations. US religion and Zionism provokes terrorism due to these untruths.

Today, when these simple truths should be made available for all to know, they are hidden as much if not more than in biblical times. It is time that all these simple truths get laid bare on the table for all peoples to see. Such simple truths lead to greater world revelations about where we should be as a nation and as a world. The truths here will suggest that modern medicine is a profit making ruse on the world and that there is a better and less expensive way to provide for world health. This would help the SS budget and Medicare expenditures.

These truths revealed on the use of Chemtrails will show that the US Govt. has long known the truth on what causes the AIDS epidemic. Chemtrails use a truncated version of the Manna effect. And AIDS is the direct result of too much fluoride in the environment that is upsetting the beneficial trace metals in the human cells and immune system. This leads to a lower level of metals, like manganese, that block the reverse transcription of HIV. This is a very important concept from the End-Times predictions of huge health plagues sweeping the planet and all very predictable from the old biblical times for those that knew the mining industries.

I had made some of the most relevant discoveries of the 20th and 21st century by study of metal colloids or metal nano-particles. These near mono-atomic particles delivered the unique abilities to cure disease by running interference with fluoride compounds and by setting up methods to curb global warming by using jet plane distribution techniques. All these ideas came from walking barefoot on volcanoes and learning about the Old World narratives related to my lineage.

Thus, one may now see what my new effort has become since leaving the criminals of Oak Ridge. The new effort is to put the criminals in jail and to expose the truth of the better ways and the real meanings these old texts of religion were intended to present to this dying world. Some of the biggest criminals in this process reside in the White House and its cabinet, and they use and abuse these factors of religion. Everyone is invited to read, learn, and then help with this most benevolent mission.

"Your Mission [as readers]," "should you decide to accept it," is to help in these times of the revelations to lay down the pathway to the promised land of a thousand years of peace and abundant health that has not been known on this planet for 6,000 years. It is not an impossible mission. It is a mission that should have already been done, if the US were honest.

This will be my gift to you and the nations of the world. Use it wisely and honestly. This is my "Magnum-Opus Project," to right the wrongs of the Manhattan Project and the crooks of the national security system of the US shadow Govt.

Jim Phelps

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I reattori nucleari uccidono (anche) gli americani

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