domenica 31 luglio 2011

Documentary on the Contamination by Uranium

Wake UP: A New Short Documentary on the Contamination by the Uranium

Dear all,

This is from David Bradbury, Australian documentary director,
about Wake Up, a new short documentary on the contamination by
uranium mining in Australia. The DU problem is also mentioned, and
Dr. Rosalie Bertell, Dr. Helen Caldicott, and others explain about
the danger of radiation exposure.

 Wake Up (12minutes)

It will explain how a decision about opening up Olympic Dam uranium
mine (which currently exports 5,000 tonnes per year of yellowcake,
including Uranium Oxide which was used in Fukushima plant...) to
export 19,000 tonnes of yellowcake per year four years after the mine
is expanded. Olympic Dam has the largest known reserve of uranium on
the planet. It is owned by the largest mining corporation in the
world. BHPBilliton. They have ignored the wishes of the real
traditional owners and gotten some token Aboriginal people who DO NOT
have the right to speak for their land to give their approval (and
paid some small money of course...). So it seems to meet with the
approval of Aboriginal people so us white race of Australians think
its ok with them.

For Aboriginal opposition to Olympic Dam on the website see the clip
Out of Site Out of Mine. They too had the Atom bomb dropped on them
in 1953 by the British. Its under the tab 'Video' :

Out of Site Out of Mine.

Here is an article in an Australian newspaper with a visiting
Japanese activist. He points out the yellowcake from Fukushima came
from Olympic Dam in South Australia. nTjX9d

Best regards and please tell me how we can help you.
We are working on having a translation done of Wake up with some
Japanese friends who live near me.
Yours in the struggle for Humanity and all species,

David Bradbury.

The Global Nuclear Regime

The Global Nuclear Regime

By Sabu Kohso
From the June 8, 2011 issue of THE INDYPENDENT, Posted in
NUCLEAR AGE: One goal of a “global nuclear regime” would be to make people accept different levels and types of radiation.
NUCLEAR AGE: One goal of a “global nuclear regime” would be to make people accept different levels and types of radiation.
Three months after the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disasters that struck on March 11, Japan has plunged from an advanced and well-managed consumerist society to an epicenter of planetary radiation and imploding social and bureaucratic apparatuses. While the Japanese government is desperately attempting to maintain its sovereignty, it is unable to solve the amassing problems. In the broad picture, the national territory is being divided up into enclaves of inaccessible regions and the national economy is sinking into the abyss.

Since the 1970s, Japan’s technology, along with its society and bureaucracy, established a model for innovation. The international business community and conservative forces alike praised Japan for efficiency and good management. The events of 3/11, as the disaster is now known, revealed both the immense problems inherent in nuclear power and the failings of the bureaucratic system, technology and civil society that make up the apparatus called Japan, a pinnacle of modern industrial civilization.

One result appears to be the formation of a “global nuclear regime.” Capitalism has no intention of abolishing nuclear power. Instead, it is re-organizing the technocracy to manage it primarily by managing nuclear disaster, forcing people to live with different forms and degrees of radiation. The management of nuclear disaster may develop into a strategy for profit making, rule and control.Nature estimates the clean up may take a century, and the Japan Center for Economic Research puts the costs over the next 10 years at $71 to $250 billion. Japan’s government will likely assume the liabilities of the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), meaning the public will pay. Those funds will flow to corporations, while capital will pressure the government in coming years to make the huge swaths of land now rendered inhospitable available for profit-making enterprises.

Fukushima is a new form of nuclear war, no longer being fought between the states, but between the global nuclear regime and all life forms including humans. The first rescue units and corporations that showed interest in Fukushima were from the United States, France and Israel. Leading developers both of nuclear weapons and energy, these nations are in a position to play a central role in a global nuclear regime. Some of the first clean-up contracts have already gone to firms in California and France.

People in stricken areas such as Fukushima prefecture, location of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear energy plant where the reactors melted down, continue to suffer from physical devastation and intense radiation. Some 140 miles away to the south, the 13 million residents of metropolitan Tokyo are enveloped in an invisible cloud of low-level radiation.

We know now that three of the plant’s six reactors experienced complete meltdowns a few days after 3/11. Reactor 1 began melting down five hours after the earthquake, which, contrary to official reports, caused the reactor’s cooling system to fail, not the subsequent tsunami. The breadth of the cover-up by the government and the quasi-public TEPCO, compounded by the fact most corporate media outlets downplayed the dangers, is evidence of a general disregard for the health and safety of Japan’s population as well as the rest of humanity who will be exposed to the radiation sooner or later. The cover-ups, similar to the official whitewash of the health dangers to New York City residents following the months-long toxic fire after the 9/11 attacks, shows the overriding concern is to maintain business activity at all costs.

Is Fukushima an ecological disaster? It is a natural and man-made disaster. It is a disaster caused by capitalism. But all in all, it is the self-destruction of the whole of the systems run by capitalism, the nation and the state.

While the democratic uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa may seem unrelated to Fukushima, revolution and disaster are connected. The Arab Spring and 3/11 may be rooted in different modes of being and subjective identities and relations, but they both derive from the same system of capitalist expropriation and in turn represent an unprecedented threat to capitalism. Revolution and disaster together are forcing the planetary apparatus to undo and redo itself. In this sense, they are “One Event” in the ultimate dimension, the dimension where the world and the earth clash and interact.
The events of 3/11 expose the fundamental paradox of human laws regarding nature. The well-being of humans depends upon the well-being of nature. But the law assumes nature is a mere object, mere resources to exploit. Laws are designed to expropriate, privatize and divide the ultimate commons called the earth. If we think about the rights of mother earth we must accept limiting the unilateral rights of humanity.

Fukushima 3/11 has unveiled the discrepancy between the world and the earth. The world is the stage where human societies play out the drama of their interactions with structural languages such as international politics and laws. The earth is the factory that produces and reproduces the players and the stage themselves but by using different languages that are machinic (in the words of Felix Guattari). The machinic operates differently from the structural in that it penetrates through and moves between the conscious and the unconscious in the planetary whole.

In this sense, Fukushima 3/11 is not associated with “the world.” The event radically questions the concepts associated with the global governance such as G20, the United Nations or Empire, mainly consisting of the representatives of nation-states and capital. These representatives cannot embody a will to solution but only to manage the problems of all the discrepancies between humanity and nature, the world and the earth.

The nature of the event lies on the level of the unconscious called the earth, upon which the apparatus is built and we live everyday life without thinking. The unconscious earth surfaced in the conscious world in the form of natural disaster and began to open fissures in the apparatus that had been expanding larger and larger, and embedded deeper and deeper into the planetary body, becoming one with it. The implosion of the apparatus took place at the forefront of the merger where the language of the planetary unconscious is now shaking everything about being human, its being, subjectivity, society, history and the world.

There are the stirrings of a global movement to oust capitalism, the nation and the state, to undo the apparatus, but we are also headed toward collective suicide in a world whose immiseration and oppression are getting steadily worsening in the post-3/11 climate.

If such a movement is coming, an ultimate class struggle between the global nuclear regime and the living beings — it will have to be fought within world politics to a large extent. Its real and potential battleground will be the planetary unconscious or the ultimate commons called the earth, the nurturing mother and the goddess of wrath at the same time. The struggle will be unprecedented. The forms it takes are yet to be discovered. The only certainty is that it will involve not only the negotiation processes called politics, but also everything about our minds, society and ecology.

Sabu Kohso is an independent writer and translator of Japanese origin, living in New York City. He is currently working on a blog in the wake of 3/11.

giovedì 28 luglio 2011

Japan Says Citizens 'Have No Right To A Healthy Radiation, Free Life'

L'alerte sanitaire sur les bœufs japonais s'étend

A la Une > Asie-Pacifique

L'alerte sanitaire sur les bœufs japonais s'étend à une deuxième région

LEMONDE.FR avec AFP | 28.07.11 | 12h31

Près de 3 000 bœufs, soupçonnés d'avoir été alimentés avec du foin ou de la paille de riz contaminés ont été vendus et livrés dans l'archipel depuis le 11 mars.

Près de 3 000 bœufs, soupçonnés d'avoir été alimentés avec du foin ou de la paille de riz contaminés ont été vendus et livrés dans l'archipel depuis le 11 mars.REUTERS/YURIKO NAKAO

Le Japon a étendu jeudi 28 juillet l'interdiction de la vente de bœuf à une deuxième région du Tohoku (nord-est) frappée par le tsunami, en raison d'un niveau élevé de radioactivité détecté dans de la viande locale. Près de 3 000 bœufs, soupçonnés d'avoir été alimentés avec du foin ou de la paille de riz contaminés par les rejets radioactifs de la centrale nucléaire de Fukushima, ont été vendus et livrés dans tout l'archipel depuis la crise déclenchée par le séisme et le tsunami géants du 11 mars.

Après avoir interdit le 19 juillet la vente de bœuf originaire de la préfecture de Fukushima, le gouvernement a étendu la mesure à la préfecture voisine de Miyagi, où au moins six animaux ont été détectés avec des taux élevés de césium. "Nous allons continuer à rassembler des informations et à mener des enquêtes sur la sûreté [alimentaire] aussi minutieuses que possible", a affirmé le porte-parole du gouvernement, Yukio Edano, au sujet d'une éventuelle extension de l'embargo à d'autres régions.


De la viande contaminée a été vendue depuis la fin du mois de mars et servie dans des restaurants, des cantines scolaires ou achetée par les consommateurs. Afin de tenter de rassurer le public, les autorités soulignent cependant qu'il faudrait enmanger tous les jours pendant un an pour que sa consommation ait des conséquences pour la santé humaine. Des légumes verts, du lait, des produits laitiers, des champignons, certains poissons de rivière et du thé vert contaminés par les rejets radioactifs sont également interdits à la vente.

Le Japon n'a pas de système de contrôle centralisé de la radioactivité des produits alimentaires et s'en remet aux tests effectués par les préfectures et les municipalités. Afin de rétablir la confiance des consommateurs, le gouvernement a annoncé cette semaine un plan visant à racheter et brûler la viande de bœuf contaminée. La psychose s'est emparée des consommateurs nippons après la découverte au début du mois de niveaux élevés de césium radioactif dans de la viande de bœuf provenant d'une ferme de Minamisoma, une ville située juste à la limite de la zone d'exclusion de 20 kilomètres de rayon autour de la centrale atomique.

Ralentissement du marché mondial du nucléaire

Le marché mondial de l'industrie nucléaire va subir l'impact de la catastrophe de la centrale japonaise de Fukushima et va voir sa croissance faiblir, a prévenu jeudi 28 juillet le leader mondial du secteur, le français Areva.

Le nouveau président d'Areva, Luc Oursel, a présenté jeudi un scénario d'évolution du marché nucléaire mondial post-Fukushima. Il estime que ce marché va croître de 2 % en moyenne annuelle jusqu'à 2030, pour atteindre à cette date 584 gigawatts (GW) installés. La précédente projection du groupe, établie en 2009, prévoyait un parc installé de 659 GW en 2030.

Areva, groupe coté en Bourse mais contrôlé par l'Etat français, a publié mercredi un résultat semestriel lui-même marqué par les premières conséquences de la catastrophe de Fukushima, qui lui ont déjà coûté 191 millions d'euros en annulations de contrats. Le carnet de commandes du groupe a baissé en six mois d'un milliard d'euros, à 43 milliards. (Avec AFP.)

A Time-Lapse Map of Every Nuclear Explosion

A Time-Lapse Map of Every Nuclear Explosion... di Kato_Tuttle

martedì 26 luglio 2011

Japan Passes Law To Cleanse The Internet Of “Bad” Fukushima News

Japan Passes The Computer Network Monitoring Law To Cleanse The Internet Of “Bad” Fukushima News

July 26th, 2011

(HigginsBlog) - Japan has passed a law that will enable the police and contractors to monitor internet activity without restriction to “cleanse” the Internet of any “bad” Fukushima radiation news.

As I previous reported, Japan has officially ordered the censorship of any reporting of the truth about the Fukushima nuclear radiation fallout by ordering telecommunications companies and web masters to scrub any stories negative stories from the about the disaster.

Japan Officially Orders Censorship Of Truth About Fukushima Nuclear Radiation Disaster

The government of Japan has issued an official order to telecommunications companies and web masters to censor reports which contradict the state media reports that the Fukushima nuclear radiation disaster is over.

Japan Government Officially Censors Truth About Fukushima Nuclear Radiation Disaster
Japan Government Officially Censors Truth About Fukushima Nuclear Radiation Disaster

The supposedly free democratic nation of Japan, which supposedly values and promotes freedom of speech, has officially issued orders to telecommunication companies and webmasters to remove content from websites that counter the official government position that the disaster is over and there is no more threat from the radiation.

The government charges that the damage caused by earthquakes and by the nuclear accident are being magnified by irresponsible rumors, and the government must take action for the sake of the public good. The project team has begun to send “letters of request” to such organizations as telephone companies, internet providers, cable television stations, and others, demanding that they “take adequate measures based on the guidelines in response to illegal information. ”The measures include erasing any information from internet sites that the authorities deem harmful to public order and morality.

Source: Asia Pacific Journal

Note: I saw the executive order issued by Japan a week or two ago but could not find it in an English version anywhere but didn’t report on it because the Japanese to English translated versions of the order did not provide clear enough meaning. What I gathered from the order was that Japan ordered telecommunication companies to provide notices to websites and webmasters to remove messages from internet bulletin boards and websites that conflicted with the Government reported version of events. If the websites and webmasters did not comply the telecommunication companies are to shut down offending websites as this is considered a national security issue which is affecting public safety and contributing to public unrest. It was also ordered that email communications be monitored to prevent the spread of false rumors. If you can find the original executive order, please send me a tip with the link.


When Tanaka requested the names of the media executives hosted by TEPCO in China, Katsumata retorted, “I cannot reveal their names since this is private information.” But it is precisely such collusive relations between mainstream media, the government and TEPCO, that results in the censorship of information concerning nuclear problems.

Now the Japanese government has moved to crack down on independent reportage and criticism of the government’s policies in the wake of the disaster by deciding what citizens may or may not talk about in public. A new project team has been created by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication, the National Police Agency, and METI to combat “rumors” deemed harmful to Japanese security in the wake of the Fukushima disaster.

The government charges that the damage caused by earthquakes and by the nuclear accident are being magnified by irresponsible rumors, and the government must take action for the sake of the public good. The project team has begun to send “letters of request” to such organizations as telephone companies, internet providers, cable television stations, and others, demanding that they “take adequate measures based on the guidelines in response to illegal information. ”The measures include erasing any information from internet sites that the authorities deem harmful to public order and morality.


Read The Rest…

Apparently the previous order was not enough to stem the flow of negative news as Japan has passed allow that will allow police unrestricted access to monitor all Internet communications to crack down on the so-called rumors. Making matters worse, Japan has issued open bids for companies to monitor blogs and social media such as tweets to crack down on the information making its way around the internet.

According to are report on the U.K progressive, the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, opened a call for bids (tender) regarding the “Nuclear Power Safety Regulation Publicity Project”, for contractors to monitor blogs and tweets posted about nuclear power and radiation.

“Nuclear Power Safety Regulation Publicity Project” stipulates that, “The Contractor is required to monitor blogs on nuclear power and radiation issues as well as Twitter accounts (monitoring tweets is essential) around the clock, and conduct research and analysis on incorrect and inappropriate information that would lead to false rumors, and to report such internet accounts to the Agency. The “Contractor” is required to keep the Agency well informed on the internet accounts and keywords used in the blogs and Twitter accounts that are posting incorrect and inappropriate information. The Contractor is required to maintain sufficient number of personnel for around-the-clock monitoring. The Contractor is required to submit reports on internet accounts via CDR.” The document, however, does not state that blogs or Twitter accounts, which run afoul of METI’s guidelines, are to be banned or frozen.”

A Nuclear news adds in their report Japan about to censor Internet news on nuclear radiation?

Since March 11, 2011 it has been reported that YouTube videos containing footage or comments unfavorable to Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) or the Japanese government have been removed within several hours of their posting. Examples of offending YouTube videos include excerpts of TV shows with controversial comments like footage showing smoke emitted from the nuclear reactors, and an ex-TEPCO employee speaking on his Fukushima experiences. Likewise, Twitter accounts with too much content regarding nuclear power and radiation issues have been disrupted.

Prof. Ibusuki of Seijo Univ. Law Dept. comments:

“The Computer Network Monitoring Law will enable the police to monitor anyone’s internet activity without restriction.” Although this appears, on the surface, to be beneficial when targeting cyber-attacks, some Japanese commentators are suggesting that the law is un-Constitutional……

“Nuclear Power Safety Regulation Publicity Project” stipulates that, “The Contractor is required to monitor blogs on nuclear power and radiation issues as well as Twitter accounts (monitoring tweets is essential) around the clock, and conduct research and analysis on incorrect and inappropriate information that would lead to false rumors, and to report such internet accounts to the Agency. The “Contractor” is required to keep the Agency well informed on the internet accounts and keywords used in the blogs and Twitter accounts that are posting incorrect and inappropriate information. The Contractor is required to maintain sufficient number of personnel for around-the-clock monitoring. The Contractor is required to submit reports on internet accounts via CDR.” The document, however, does not state that blogs or Twitter accounts, which run afoul of METI’s guidelines, are to be banned or frozen.”

The U.K Progress further elaborates:

Saturday, July 23, The Japan Times reported, about 1,500 cows that were fed hay containing radioactive cesium, in excess of the government limit, were found to have been shipped from Fukushima and other prefectures to all of Japan except Okinawa, as of Thursday, July 21. Evidence of rising contamination in and around the plant has tempered optimism, and new reports has consumers raising questions about whether it remains safe to eat beef, chicken and pork.

Since March 11, 2011 it has been reported that YouTube videos containing footage or comments unfavorable to Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) or the Japanese government have been removed within several hours of their posting. Examples of offending YouTube videos include excerpts of TV shows with controversial comments like footage showing smoke emitted from the nuclear reactors, and an ex-TEPCO employee speaking on his Fukushima experiences. Likewise, Twitter accounts with too much content regarding nuclear power and radiation issues have been disrupted.

While many radioactive cattle have been discovered long distances from Fukushima, what is more important is where their feed is coming from.

Uncanny Terrain: Yoshizawa’s ranch is 14km downwind from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. The government ordered him to kill his 300 cows. Most of his neighbors’ animals are gone, but some have been released and joined his herd. Yoshizawa refuses to kill his cows. He wants them to be studied for the effects of radiation.

Straw found 45 miles from Fukushima is highly contaminated with radioactive cesium, which is an indication that radiation has contaminated large portions of Northern Japan. More than half a million disintegration per second in a kilogram of straw are comparable to Chernobyl levels.

The American Nuclear Regulatory Commission was correct when it told Americans to evacuate beyond 50 miles from Fukushima – the Japanese should have done the same. Ex-Secretariat, Gundersen, of Japan’s Nuclear Safety Commission blames this contamination on “Black Rain”. “Rather than minimize the information the Japanese people receive,” Gundersen suggests, “minimizing their radiation exposure..”

This video included in the progressive report page shows the type of the negative information Japan is trying to keep a lid. Even in light of the recent beef scandal were Japan allowed highly radioactive beef to be shipped all over the country and be eaten when it was widely reported that the beef was highly radioactive this man whose cows are only 14 miles from the Fukushima plant refuses to kill his cows.

Meanwhile, in this video, Nuclear Engineer Arnie Gundersen says it is time to stop trying to minimize the flow of information and start minimizing the radiation exposure people are receiving.

Ex Japanese Nuclear Regulator Blames Radioactive Animal Feed on “Black Rain” from Fairewinds Associates on Vimeo.

Famed Nuclear Physicist Chris Bubsy says the Fukushima disaster health risk is being grossly underestimated and is far worse than Chernobyl on a global level.

Instead of factual reporting, the new law will mean a news sites and blogs will become proliferated with news articles like this report from Daily Yomuri with the feel good healdine of “Fun in the sun for Fukushima families”.

Fun in the sun for Fukushima families


To make summer more enjoyable for children, a newly organized group called “Fukushima no kodomo o mamoru kai” (group to protect Fukushima children) is planning a 29-day trip around Hokkaido for children and their parents from Fukushima Prefecture.

The group was founded by a woman who evacuated from Fukushima to Sapporo and other volunteers. During the one-month program, which begins Monday, participants can enjoy swimming, hiking and bug collecting.

It costs only 5,000 yen for children and 20,000 yen for parents with additional funds coming from donations by Hokkaido residents and others. A total of 20 families or 44 people are slated to participate in the program.

Yuka Saito, 38, who will join the trip with her three children, said: “My kids and I are tired of worrying about radiation. In Hokkaido, we don’t have to worry about food contamination and I want my kids to run around outside and enjoy themselves.”

The Fukushima University disaster volunteer center, mainly made up of university students, will invite about 40 primary school students for a free, five-day summer camp on the Shima Peninsula, Mie Prefecture.

In Minami-Soma, Fukushima Prefecture, parents and schools will give about 840 children and parents the opportunity to travel abroad to Asian countries or to many destinations in Japan, including Okinawa. Participants do not have to pay for transportation, accommodation or most other expenses, which will be covered by local governments and nonprofit organizations.


Source: The Daily Yomuri

Source: Alexander Higgins Blog

mercoledì 20 luglio 2011

The Plumbat Affair (book)

The Plumbat Affair

Elaine Davenport, Paul Eddy and Peter Gillman

Additional research by Leni Gillman

Andre Deutsch



List of Plates

Author’s Note

Cast of Characters

1 Murder in Norway

2 A Secret Place, A Secret Service

3 A Small Town in Germany

4 A Valuable Commodity

5 The Mysterious Mr Yarisal

6 It’s Okay By Euratom

7 Operation Plumbat

8 Gunboat Diplomacy

9 The Good Ship Sofa…

10 A Little Help From Panama

11 Wonderful, Wonderful Copenhagen

12 Home to Haifa

13 Loose Ends

14 The Salesman Was a Spy

15 The Wrath of Zwi Zamir

16 A Fatal Mistake

17 Confession

18 Friends at Court

19 Closing the Stable Door

20 Consequences




List of Plates

Between pages 112 and 113


The Scheersberg A


Dan Aerbel in his role as a salesman

Dan Aerbel after his arrest in 1973

Zwi Zamir

Herbert Schulzen

Francesco Sertorio

Asmara Chemie’s premises near Wiesbaden


Ali Hassan Salameh

Ahmed Bouchiki

Sylvia Raphael

Steinar Ravlo


The Plumbat Affair is based primarily on inquiries we made in seventeen countries and some 200 interviews. We conducted most of the interviews ourselves but we owe a considerable debt to a number of other journalists who either gave us the product of their own interviews or questioned witnesses on our behalf: in Paris, Antony Terry, European Editor of The Sunday Times; in Hamburg, Jay Tuck; in Mainz, Gunter Kitzinger; in Milan, Dalbert Hallenstein; in Oslo, Arvid Bryne; and in Copenhagen, Ole Schierbeck. We also owe thanks to Tony Geraghty of The Sunday Times whose original investigation of the disappearance of the uranium provided valuable guidance.

We benefited, too, from the work of authors who have written about related topics. A full bibliography appears on pages 183-84.

Finally, we have some personal debts to pay. Georgetta Moliterno, Laurie Zimmerman and Tammy Pittman, all in New York, and June Pratt in London did dozens of jobs for us patiently and well. Shirley Poluck typed the manuscript with remarkable energy and Gordon Phillips compiled the index. Robert Ducas, our agent and friend, provided, as always, magnificent encouragement. And, most of all, we have to thank Leni Gillman whose research and administration made this book possible.

Elaine Davenport

Paul Eddy

Peter Gillman

February 1978

Cast of Characters

The reader is invited to use this list of main characters both as a preview of what is to come and, later, as a reference for a name forgotten.

MAGNHILD AANESTAD Norwegian detective with slender wrists and a liking for simple summer dresses

DAN AERBEL Mossad agent who gave away every secret he knew, and…

DEBRA AERBEL his Israeli-born wife

FELIX AMIOT built the Israeli gunboats in Cherbourg

MEIR AMIT replaced Isser Harel as director of Mossad

ASMARA CHEMIE of Wiesbaden bought 200 tons of uranium oxide

ROLF BAHER Mossad agent caught up in murder

WILHELM BARCON Asmara Chemie salesman who broke down the resistance of front-office secretaries

PETER BARROW temporary skipper of the Scheersberg A with a predilection for dark blue shirts and trousers

KEMAL BENAMENE perhaps a courier for Black September, he led Mossad to Lillehammer

DAVID BEN-GURION Israel’s first Prime Minister who ordered Mossad to employ restraint

JUERGEN-ADOLF BINDER a senior partner of August Bolten, he looked uneasily on the sale of the Scheersberg A

BISCAYNE TRADERS SHIPPING CORPORATION gave the Scheersberg A a Liberian flag and a new and mysterious crew

BKA the West German equivalent of the FBI, conducted an energetic investigation

BLACK SEPTEMBER planned the Munich massacre and caused Mossad to seek revenge

BND West Germany’s CIA, helped plant an Israeli agent in Cairo

AUGUST BOLTEN a Hamburg shipping company which sold the Scheersberg A to the elusive Burham Yarisal

PIERRE BOMMELLE Euratom’s bloodhound who took his Geiger counter to West Germany in search of the uranium

AHMED BOUCHIKI met a stranger in Lillehammer and marked himself for death, and…

TORILL BOUCHIKI his Norwegian wife

MILA BRENNER set up Starboat in Panama to get the gunboats out of Cherbourg

GUIDO BRUNNER become Energy Commissioner of the EEC and tried to explain the Plumbat cover-up

CHIMAGAR the Moroccan company originally selected to receive the uranium

CIEEMG gave French government approval for the Starboat deal

CMN Felix Amiot’s company which was Cherbourg’s life blood

FRANCISCO COUSILLAS replaced Peter Barrow and wanted to know where the Sheersberg A had been

RAOUL COUSIN another member of Mossad’s ‘hit team’

MOSHE DAYAN Israel’s Minister of Defence, he argued for conversion of the nuclear option

DENIS DEWEZ sold Asmara Chemie its uranium and then, innocently, nearly wrecked the plan

MICHAEL DE WITT employed Aerbel as a salesman in Europe

DIMONA the site of Israel’s nuclear reactor, guarded mercilessly

MICHAEL DORF was arrested for the Lillehammer murder but later cleared

ALDO EGGERS-LURA was sorry when Aerbel gave up his job as a salesman of Danish furniture

E-GRUPPA the Norwegian police squad which investigated the Lillehammer murder

DAN ERT / ERTESCHIK / ERTZ / ERTL the different names Aerbel used

EURATOM Europe’s nuclear watchdog which had no bite and little bark

EUROPEAN COMMISSION the EEC’s executive which decided to cover up the Plumbat affair

EEC the European Economic Community, then made up of Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and West Germany

EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT was furious when it found out about the cover-up

COMMANDER EZRA obeyed orders and took the gunboats from Cherbourg to Haifa

JOB FASS made knick-knacks which Aerbel sold to Galeries Lafayette

GEORGES FRANJISTAS bought the Scheersberg A from Aerbel and renamed it after his daughter

CHARLES DE GAULLE the French President who said ‘non’ when Israel wanted more aeroplanes and uranium

REINHARD GEHLEN ran the West German BND

ABRAHAM GEHMER another Mossad agent, he pretended to be a schoolteacher from England

MARIANNE GLADNIKOFF short and slightly plump she found she had been recruited for a Mossad ‘hit team’

GUNNAR HAARSTAD head of Norway’s secret service he realized the enormous implications of the secret in the Lillehammer file

WILHELM HAFERKAMP was EEC Energy Commissioner when Mossad mounted Operation Plumbat

LUDWIG HANSEN was ordered to abandon his post as captain of the Scheersberg A

ISSER HAREL Mossad’s first director, he captured Adolf Eichmann but then went too far

HAROULA became the Scheersberg A’s new name when Georges Franjistas bought her

NORA HEFFNER another member of Mossad’s ‘hit team’

MARCEL HEYNEN worked for Ziegler & Co and drank whisky with Captain Barrow

TORBEN HVIID lived on the edge of the law and gave Aerbel free admission to ‘Love In’

JONATHAN INGLEBY Mossad agent and killer

ENRICO JACCHIA led Euratom’s investigation

ROLF JAHRMANN head of E-Gruppa, he did not understand the significance of Aerbel’s explosive confession

PETER KOERNER returned to the Scheersberg A and found that two vital pages from the logbook had been torn out

GERARD LAFOND unwittingly provided cover for another member of the Mossad ‘hit team’

GERD LANZ set up Biscayne Traders Shipping Corporation but refused to reveal the identity of his client

HERBERT LETTKO Asmara Chemie’s persistent salesman, he missed the point of a joke

PAUL LEVENTHAL heard intoxicating rumours on Capitol Hill and broke the Plumbat story

LEIF LIER heard an amazing confession from Marianne Gladnikoff

MORDECAI LIMON ordered the gunboats to sail from Cherbourg

WOLFGANG LOTZ spied for Israel in Cairo and joined in an explosive campaign to deter German scientists

KAJ LUND used his legal skills to set up ‘Love In’ and dissolve Biscayne Traders

RUDOLF MADSEN was taken aback when Aerbel sold souvenirs in Libya

GEORG MANNER led Mossad’s hit team to Lillehammer

GOLDA MEIR Israel’s Prime Minister, she ordered revenge for the Munich massacre

METALLURGIE HOBOKEN-OVERPELT stored the uranium near the red-brick village with an improbable legend

JEAN MIKOLAJCAK was titular head of SGM’s uranium division and stressed that the deal was confidential

UWE MOELLER helped Yarisal to buy the Scheersberg A and Aerbel to sell it

MOSSAD the Institute was the most battle-hardened secret service in the world

YUVAL NE’EMAN computerized Mossad’s files and designed Israel’s bomb

FELIX OBOUSSIER gave Asmara Chemie the approval it needed

LESLIE ORBAUM was the alias used by Abraham Gehmer

KNUD PEDERSEN provided the Cherbourg connection and died mysteriously

SHIMON PERES Israeli cabinet minister, he rented the smallest car he could find to drive to West Germany

GUSTAV PISTAUER told Aerbel to stop asking questions

GEORGES POMPIDOU m President of France, he was reckoned by Mossad to be no de Gaulle

PFLP Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine which struck at Israel through terrorism

SYLVIA RAPHAEL cruised on a yacht with Aerbel and joined the Lillehammer ‘hit team’

STEINAR RAVLO knew that Aerbel was going to confess

KLAUS REHWAGEN hired Ziegler & Co to get the uranium to Antwerp

PATRICIA ROXBURGH Sylvia Raphael’s alias

SAICA [Società Anonima Italiana Colori ed Affini], the Italian paint company which run into a little trouble

ALI HASSAN SALAMEH planned the Munich massacre and became Mossad’s prime target

HERBERT SCHARF named his new company after a town in Ethiopia

SCHEERSBERG A showed her age but kept her silent rendez-vous in the Mediterranean

OLE SCHIERBECK remembered a meeting in a Hamburg hotel and revealed the Cherbourg connection

HERBERT SCHULZEN was called ‘the Nazi pilot’ but his name went into Mossad’s files

FRANCESCO SERTORIO was not bothered that his paint company had no idea how to treat uranium

JEAN-LUC SEVENIER served with Aerbel in Mossad’s advance team

SGM received an order for uranium which it could easily fill

MARTIN SIEM impressed the French with his entry in the international edition of Who’s Who

STARBOAT said it wanted to use gunboats for oil exploration

ZWI STEINBERG Mossad agent with a double identity – ‘My God,’ said the policeman, ‘that’s Zipstein’

TAMARA Manner’s mistress and a killer

FIRST OFFICER TILNET nearly steered the Scheersberg A into trouble

GEOFFREY TOLLMAN was not sorry when his partnership with Aerbel ended

INGO TREPEL had a bright idea which got Schulzen started

JOSEF VERHULST got up early to make sure the uranium was loaded

VIKING had no substance but reduced Aerbel’s unwelcome air of mystery

HAKON WIKER Norwegian state prosecutor, he found himself in the hot seat

BURHAM YARISAL founded a company and bought a ship and disappeared when it suited him

ZWI ZAMIR replaced Amit as head of Mossad and changed the rules – with disastrous consequences

ZIEGLER & COMPANY made all the arrangements and paid the bill for the consequences of an unfortunate accident

VICTOR ZIPSTEIN Steinberg’s alias when he drove Admiral Limon’s car

La Bomba Atomica: Da Berlino a Dimona

La Bomba Atomica: Da Berlino a Dimona Il materiale presenta una complessa ricostruzione della storia della bomba atomica, focalizzandosi su ...