domenica 26 febbraio 2012

Evacuate Tokyo and All US Forces

Evacuate Tokyo and All US Forces From Japan

Mochizuki Feb 2012 fukushima diary
Mochizuki, Publisher of the highly respected Fukushima Diary

Tokyo Radiation Level 25 Times the Fukushima Mandatory Evacuation Zone

… by  Bob Nichols

(San Francisco) Widely known Physicist Dr Paolo Scampa, the publisher of the EU AIPRI Blog and an eminent chemical physicist, announced today his latest calculations of deadly radioactivity in Tokyo itself.  Both the nuclear regulatory and media responses have been missing in action.
However, the outrageous statement of a Japanese politician pretty well sums up the level of understanding of the parasitic political class “Smile, and the radiation won’t hurt you.”
The Tokyo suburbs are about 100 miles or 160 km South of the six destroyed, deteriorating and badly leaking nuclear reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi Station for Nuclear Reactors.
Dr Scampa stated:
“An absorbed dose of 2,94 microSievert/hour at 1 meter of soil means an average deposit of 9,065E5 Bq/m2 of Cs137 -0,661 MeV-. This amount for 1 meter is in fact situated between a maximum deposit of  5,439E6 Bq/m2 for low energy gamma rays from radioactive elements such as U238 (0,0495 MeV) and a minimum deposit of  2,176E5 Bq/m2 of very energetic gamma rays from radioactive elements such as Co60 (2,55 MeV). This dose corresponds to 25 times the maximum permissible “artificial” hour dose (0,114 microSievert/h-1) and 5 times the maximum permissible total – natural and artificial – hour dose (0,571 microSievert/h-1). [1]” Dr. Scampa. [End Quote]
This is a tragedy of huge proportions. There are 30 Plus Million People in Greater Tokyo. It is brought home personally to each person who sees the work of Fukushima Diary by Mochizuki.
There are thousands of US troops stationed with their families in Japan. American politicians must remove all US Troops and dependents from Japan immediately. This must happen forthwith. We will remember.
Mochizuki is sticking by his reporting post at Fukushima Diary on the InterNet as long as he is capable. Everyone at Veterans Today and around the world honors your work, Morchizuki, clear sailing to you on this, your last mission. Keep transmitting as long as you are able.
Copyright 2012 by Bob Nichols, All Rights Reserved. Republishing allowed with all Sources and Notes included.
Sources and Notes.
1. Communication from Dr Paolo Scampa to Veterans Today Columnists Bob Nichols, Feb 25, 2012. Original in Metric Units. The Maximum Permissible units were rounded down for editing purposes.
 - Feb 25, 2012, Dr Paolo Scampa. AIPRI,

sabato 25 febbraio 2012

Tokyo station is contaminated

Tokyo station is contaminated as mandatory evacuating zone in Fukushima

On 2/21~23/2012, a Twitter user measured radiation level at Tokyo station and it turned out to be 2.94~6.5 microSv/h.
↓ Aisle from Yaesuguchi underground parking lot to underground mall of Tokyo Station
Tokyo Station is more contaminated than mandatory evacuating zone in Fukushima 
↓On the platform of Tokaido Shinkansen
Tokyo station is contaminated as mandatory evacuating zone in Fukushima2
The picture above is one of the 6 measurements.
The results are like this below
1m height from the ground : 6.5~4.8 microSv/h
1.8m height from the ground : 3.0~4.2 microSv/h

6.5 microSv/h is converted to 57 mSv/y.
It’s higher than 50 mSv/y in mandatory evacuating zone in Fukushima.
The reason of this high level of contamination is assumed to be because hot particles are brought from Fukushima or North Japan by the shoes of passengers.

venerdì 24 febbraio 2012

La radiotoxicité augmente au fil du temps

Les dépots de carburant sur le sol japonais. Si.. alors...
de Paolo Scampa

Combustible "actif". Après 350 jours de décroissance une tonne de carburant ayant subi un taux de combustion de 14 GwJ/t (14,43 kg fissionnés par tonne) fait montre d'une activité moyenne de 5,89E5 Ci/t (2,18E16 Bq) et d'une quantité de doses létales potentielles par inhalation de 267,28 millions de Ld/t. Le Cs137 représente 7,36% de l'activité résiduelle globale de cette tonne de carburant. Il suffit donc de multiplier l'activité du Cs137 par 13,587 pour déduire cette activité résiduelle totale.

Combustible "éteint". Après 5 ans de décroissance une tonne de carburant ayant subi un taux de combustion de 35 GwJ/t (36,08 kg fissionnés par tonne) fait montre d'une activité moyenne de 5,21E5 Ci/t (1,93E16 Bq) et d'une quantité de doses létales potentielles par inhalation de 1,10 milliards de Ld/t. Le Cs137 représente 18,00% de l'activité résiduelle globale de cette tonne de carburant. Il suffit donc de multiplier l'activité du Cs137 par 5,555 pour déduire cette activité résiduelle totale.

Après une décroissance de 20 ans cette tonne fait montre d'une activité moyenne de 2,90E5 Ci/t (1,07E16 Bq) et d'une quantité de doses létales potentielles par inhalation de 1,36 milliards de Ld/t. Le Cs137 représente 22,88% de l'activité résiduelle globale de cette tonne de carburant. Il suffit donc de multiplier l'activité du Cs137 par 4,370 pour déduire cette activité résiduelle totale. NB. Comme on le note en comparant les Ld/t à 5 et à 20 ans, la radiotoxicité augmente au fil du temps bien que la radioactivité baisse.

martedì 21 febbraio 2012

Please don't burn Fukushima's radioactive waste!

From: Ace Hoffman
Sent: Sunday, February 19, 2012 11:28 PM
Subject: Please don't burn Fukushima's radioactive waste! (We don't want to breath your poisons!)

February 19th, 2012

To: kankyo@city. shimada.shizuoka .jp

To Whom It May Concern,

This letter is being sent in strong protest of your city's plan -- and all of Japan's plan -- to incinerate radioactive waste created by the nuclear disaster at the Fukushima-Daiichi power plant/waste dump.

Radioactive poisons have a linear, no lower threshold dose response according to the latest scientific studies, as well as the majority of studies for the last hundred years or so.  Most of the human data is from Hiroshima and Nagasaki bomb studies, even 25 years after Chernobyl, but the effects of various carefully controlled doses on tens of millions of animals, of hundreds of species has also been observed, in tens of thousands of studies conducted by tens of thousands of researchers.

Many of the health effects from radiation are the same regardless of dose: Cancer, heart disease, etc.  Their rate of occurrence varies with dose, but the severity of the effect does not vary with dose.  (The severity of other health effects can be related to dose: Inflammation (at low doses), acute radiation sickness (at high doses), etc..)

From its onset, the nuclear industry made a promise to the public:  Near-perfect isolation of their radioactive effluent from the environment for as long as necessary.

The promise has never been kept very well, but Fukushima literally blew the lid off the subject completely.

If you now burn the debris, radioactive particles which currently are isolated from humanity in the debris pile will be re-released into the environment.  Some of these "radioactive elements will have very long half-lives, such as cesium-135 and Iodine-129.  Some will have shorter half-lives, such as cesium-137 and strontium-90, both around 30 years.  Additionally, plutonium, perhaps the deadliest substance on earth, will be re-released.

It's better to keep these awful reactor by-products of Fukushima's failures, these death-ray emitting radionuclides from the hell inside the reactor cores, well away from humans.  So please don't burn the waste!  It must all be stored -- for thousands of years.  Reducing it to ashes and dumping the ashes in the sea is NOT a proper solution: It is exactly the opposite of what should be done, and doesn't in any way keep the nuclear industry's promise to the public.  99.99999% containment (or better) was promised.  Energy "too cheap to meter" was promised.  Advanced reactor designs were promised.  Proper maintenance of the currently-operating reactors was also promised.  None of this has been delivered.  None of it ever will be.

Right now our local pair of nuclear reactors, San Onofre, is shut down because the replacement steam generators we purchased from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, at a cost of approximately 1.4 billion USD, have turned out to be of sub-standard quality.  Much of the blame lies with the owners of San Onofre, who "carefully" inspected these steam generators when they arrived, and found plenty to fix, and told the public they had fixed them properly and the steam generators would last for at least 30 years.

However, about 10% of the nearly 10,000 individual U-shaped tubes in the steam generators in one reactor are already showing excessive wear, and a steam generator in the other reactor suffered an unprecedented tube rupture, causing a reactor SCRAM, a release of radioactivity, and yet another extended shutdown.  It could have been a lot worse: There could have been a cascading failure of the tubes, or the parts could have broken off and blocked valves or coolant flow through the reactor.  Furthermore, the weakened tubes are liable to failure more easily than expected in the event of an earthquake.  This is perhaps the most significant danger from the weakened tubes.

Perhaps you feel this is "not your problem" but please remember that just as Americans are being harmed by Fukushima Daiichi's poisons, if San Onofre ever melts down, the people of Japan will be breathing our poisons too.  And many of the parts in our reactors were made in Japan, just as many of the parts of your failed reactors were made here.  We are all in this together, and we are all responsible for our future.

There is no reason to risk these dangers.  Cleaner alternatives exist, as many countries, including Japan, are beginning to recognize.  The nuclear industry is based upon lies and must be stopped.  It's main product is poison, which lasts for eons.  It's byproduct is electricity, which is gone in an instant.

Please do not buy the nuclear industry's assurances that burning the waste is safe.  For the sake of all living things, these poisons must be isolated, not spread around!

Ace Hoffman
Concerned Citizen
Carlsbad, CA

The writer is the author of THE CODE KILLERS, an expose of the nuclear industry, available for free download or online viewing at his web site: www.acehoffman. org. He notes that nearly 30 cities in Southern California are "sister cities" to cities in Japan, and these 30 cities contain approximately 1,000,000 inhabitants.  Please think about where your radioactive ashes will land!  On your brothers and sisters!

Lecture note:  The author will be speaking at the Joyce Beers Community Center, San Diego, California, USA at 7:00 pm Monday, February 20, 2012.

------------ --------- --------- --------- --
Ace Hoffman
Author, The Code Killers:
An Expose of the Nuclear Industry
Free download:
Blog: acehoffman.blogspot .com
YouTube: user/AceHoffman
Phone: (760) 720-7261
Address: PO Box 1936, Carlsbad, CA 92018
Subscribe to my free newsletter today!
Email: ace [at]

domenica 19 febbraio 2012

Fukushima 329th - 336th day

Dear Colleagues: 329th - 336th day! 

I. NISA's intermediate reports Since October 17, NISA has been organizing a series of "hearings" from knowledgeable specialists, to investigate causes of the accident and to compile "lessons learned". So far, they held 8 of such meetings, where a bulk of viewgraphs reports have been released and discussed. NISA plans to implement the lessons leaned for early start of NPPs, although many of them have already in place. On February 16, NISA released the "intermediate reports" (only in Japanese). I plant to read the report in the near future and introduce some of the significant issues in this updates. In the following two sections, I introduced one of the documents I found interesting. In the coming April, remaining two units still on grids will soon be shutdown for scheduled maintenance. There are total of 54 NPPs in Japan, previously providing 30% of electric power. The resultant idling of practically all NPPs resulted in a significant increase in import of fossil energy resources. This induced an international trade deficit first time in the last 31 years for Japan. The government has not been able to provide permissions for restarting, since local governments of the NPP sites are very prudent, asking for a new safety review based on a new safety criteria. 

II. RELAP analysis of "short-termed station blackout." Among the bulk of report, I found an interesting viewgraph, which describes the RELAP analysis of the short-termed SBO, where the loss of off-site power is aggravated with further gradual depletion of batteries. It is a transition phase before going into the "long-tem SBO". In the latter, the damaged plant lost all measures of core cooling and should eventually goes into a melt-down. I am very much interested in the attached viewgraph (in Japanese), since their conclusion is much different from my vision of the current core state, based on my "back of an envelope" assessment. The analysis is about operation of IC (isolation condenser) for 1F1. This passive residual hear removal system should have successfully helped preventing the gross-core melt in my view. I believe 1F1 plant has not went so far into the "long-tem SBO". On page 6, their modeling is illustrated in a block diagram. I immediately noticed that the SRV (Safety an Release Valve) is not correctly configured in the modeling. The SRV is installed in the Main Steam Line, from which steam is released into the suppression pool, during the "feed and bleed" operation. The safety valve function works even without the battery power, since it is with a spring action. Perhaps because of this, on page 9, the rate of water level decrease is shown very fast, down to TAF in just 1.5 h after the arrival of tsunami. I estimated 5 hours or longer. In addition, their analysis does not incorporate the TEPCO's new findings described in their December 22 Internal Investigation Committee Report. The report indicates that an operator opened the MO-3A valve at 21:30 of March 11, to restart IC-A and confirmed release of steam from the secondary side of IC, indicating successful operation of the IC. This crucial operator action was motivated by knowing that IC should work, even without additional cooling water supply on the secondary side, as long as 10 hours. In addition, I began to suspect the turbine-driven HPCI may have worked, at least temporarily, although its operational status was not confirmed from the control panel. It is because the observed water level is one meter or so higher (TAF +200mm at 21:19 of March 11) than my estimation of the reactor water level, which assumes no additional water injection. My estimation simply follows the water level by calculating the amount of the reactor water released by evaporation. I introduced this issue more in detail in Earthquake (170, Dec 16-23). Although there are some questionable issues, I strongly request continuation of this kind of assessment, instead of SBO=core-melt type analyses. 

III. Update of the mysterious temperature rise in 1F2 I introduced this issue a week ago. Although this issue attracted a lot of media attention last week, it was concluded as a failure of the thermocouple (TE-2-3-69H1). The temperature plot was released as attached. TEPCO also quickly performed an environmental test using an insulation damaged thermocouple with cable, and found that high temperature readings are induced. Later, the reading showed below freezing temperature, indicating that such a failure is likely. However, TEPCP's conclusion does not dismiss a possibility that something did occur inside of the PCV locally, near the thermocouple. TEPCO put this sensor out of service for monitoring the core status. Well, let me stop here today! 
Genn Saji _______________________________________

lunedì 13 febbraio 2012

Contaminazione radioattiva a Brescia

Il Capogruppo dell'Italia dei Valori in Commissione Ambiente solleva la questione in parlamento in seguito ai rilevamenti  del settembre scorso a Brescia.

“La relazione effettuata dall' ARPA lombarda il 19 settembre 2011  – ha dichiarato l'On. Sergio Piffari segretario  regionale dell'Italia dei Valori – non lascia spazio ad interpretazioni. I valori di contaminazione di Cesio-137 sono mille volte sopra i parametri imposti dalla legge”.

“ In qualità di cittadino Lombardo inanzi tutto, ed in particolare in qualità di membro della Commissione Ambiente – ha proseguito il parlamentare bergamasco – è mio dovere sollevare davanti a tutte le autorità competenti, la gravità della situazione esistente presso la ex cava Piccinelli  Il sito si trova da molti anni in stato di abbandono, e tutti i progetti di bonifica dell'area,  divenuta nel tempo una vera e propria discarica di materiale altamente tossico, sono colpevolmente finiti nel dimenticatoio da parte di tutte le autorità che averebbero dovuto vigilare. Quello che più sorprende è rappresentato dal fatto che la scoperta della contaminazione della falda sottostante, è avvenuta grazie ai rilievi che l'amministrazione comunale ha disposto in vista della costruzione del nuovo stadio. Mi chiedo come sia possibile che il Comune e la Regione si accorgano di queste pericolosissime situazioni con scoperte apparentemente del tutto casuali.” 

“In realtà tutte le autorità coinvolte - continua Piffari -  sono a conoscenza della questione ex Piccinelli dalla fine degli anni novanta, e in tutto questo tempo non hanno fatto altro che disinteressarsi della questione. Il Cesio-137 rilevato dalle analisi  è una sostanza altamente tossica, e la sua presenza  tra i materiali che hanno inquinato la falda desta massimo allarme. La legge n. 368 del 2003 ha imposto la creazione di un Deposito Nazionale per tutte le scorie presenti sul territorio italiano, ma quasi dieci anni dopo siamo ancora lontani dalla sua realizzazione. La conseguenza di questa inadempienza da parte dello Stato, è pienamente rappresentato dal caso ex Piccinelli. Ho provveduto a depositare un interrogazione a tutti i ministri competenti – ha concluso Piffari – per sollecitare con urgenza una soluzione della pericolosa e drammatica situazione che  interessa il comune di Brescia e i suoi cittadini. “

Giustizia per le vittime della NATO radioattiva

Cagliari,PIAZZA DEL CARMINE, il 15 di ogni mese dalle ore 10
SIT-IN e richiesta d’incontro con il rappresentante del Governo

per gli uccisi da veleni di guerra e di poligono

“L’assenza di certezze scientifiche non deve servire da pretesto per ritardare l’adozione di misure” ( ONU, art 15 protocollo di Rio 1992). 

L’interesse nazionale cede di fronte al superiore interesse pubblico costituito dalla tutela della salute (…) che va protetta contro ogni iniziativa ostile da chiunque provenga e con la conseguenza che ha anche una valenza incondizionata. La tutela comprende le ipotesi in cui i rilievi scientifici non hanno raggiunto una chiara prova di nocività” (6/10/011 sentenza del TAR di sospensiva all’installazione dei radar

I lavori delle due Commissioni Parlamentari d’Inchiesta sull’uranio impoverito e la contaminazione bellica, durati tre anni (2005/08), appurato che oggi la scienza non è in grado di confermare o escludere il nesso diretto causa-effetto tra attività militari e “i dati inoppugnabili” dei tassi anomali di patologie tra militari inviati nei teatri di guerra, militari in servizio nei poligoni e popolazioni residenti nei pressi dei poligoni, hanno concluso che:

  *  sul ministero della Difesa - in base ai principi di probabilità e precauzione sanciti dalle norme italiane, europee e internazionali, ribaditi dalla Magistratura in varie sentenze di condanna del ministero Difesa - grava la responsabilità dei troppi morti e malati, grava l’onere di provare la sua “innocenza”, grava l’obbligo di risarcire le vittime del danno (irrisarcibile!) sofferto

  *   i poligoni della Sardegna sono equiparati ai teatri di guerra, la popolazione che vive nei pressi dei poligoni ai militari inviati nei teatri di guerra.

Il 15 di ogni mese indichiamo al rappresentante del Governo gli interventi basilari da attivare con urgenza per stroncare l’epidemia di tumori e alterazioni genetiche che imperversa nei poligoni che opprimono la Sardegna, chiediamo di motivare la cinica inerzia governativa. Abbiamo ribadito le richieste all’assessore alla Sanità e al governatore Cappellacci.

L’indagine epidemiologica N°3 promossa da Parlamento e Regione - supportati dalla stragrande maggioranza trasversale del ceto politico, dalla lobby militare e dalle multinazionali delle armi – è la risposta ottenuta, l’ennesima puntata della costosa  farsa “Scienza-Pretesto, fingere di cercare per non trovare”, il vecchio, ben collaudato escamotage per sedare l’attenzione pubblica, eludere responsabilità e dilazionare interventi. Epidemiologia e registri tumori, indubbiamente utili, sono inservibili per fare luce e bloccare il disastro sanitario e ambientale inflitto alla Sardegna dalle attività militari e dai loro veleni di guerra.
Non è più tollerabile l’uso e abuso della farsa in scena da oltre un decennio che ha ripreso a blaterare  di nesso diretto causa effetto, si affanna tra negare l’evidenza e scovare grottesche cause e concause che offendono la comune intelligenza e soprattutto le famiglie degli uccisi e la loro memoria (vaccini, alcool, fumo, finanche l’incestuosità “congenita” dei sardi).

La cosiddetta bonifica avviata dal ministero della Difesa, costretto dalla Procura di Lanusei, promette la replica della famigerata “bonifica all’italiana” di La Maddalena e altri siti (Portoscuso, Furtei ecc.). Come s’intende rintracciare ed eliminare le polveri di guerra, i contaminanti invisibili (radiazioni elettromagnetiche e ionizzanti, nanoparticelle, torio, uranio ecc)? Quali sono i tempi e i costi preventivati? Lo studio affidato dal ministero della Difesa al CNR su una parte del tratto di mare annesso al poligono di Teulada ha calcolato, solo per rimuovere la ferraglia bellica, 30 anni di lavori e costi astronomici inquantificabili.   

E’ indilazionabile l’adozione di misure concrete per spezzare la catena di morte e sofferenze. Nel Pisq sappiamo di 30 militari, del 65% dei pastori e oltre 50 civili colpiti dalla “sindrome di Quirra”; a Capo Frasca contiamo 6 militari uccisi, a Teulada 11 militari e 41 civili. I numeri, pesanti come macigni, sono sottostimati, non esaustivi ma verificabili nell’arco di una giornata a costo quasi zero, il prezzo della benzina per un giro nei paesi martiri.


     S     Sospensione delle attività dei poligoni dove si sono registrate le patologie di guerra;

     E     Evacuazione dei militari esposti alla contaminazione dei poligoni di Capo Teulada, Decimomanno-Capo Frasca,
                                                      .   .                         .  .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          . Salto di Quirra, ormai tristemente noto come il poligono della morte;

    R     Ripristino ambientale, bonifica seria e credibile delle aree contaminate a terra e a mare;

    R     Risarcimento ai malati e alle famiglie degli uccisi, Risarcimento al popolo sardo del danno inferto all’isola.

    A     Annichilimento, ripudio della guerra e delle sue basi concentrate in Sardegna in misura abnorme e iniqua;

  I       Impiego delle risorse a fini di pace.


che apra una vertenza forte con lo Stato e faccia valere in tutte le sedi e con tutti gli strumenti di sua competenza:
la cessazione delle “iniziative ostili” del ministero della Difesa e delle FF.AA.; * il diritto alla salute e all’ambiente salubre;
il diritto all’equa distribuzione dei gravami militari; * l’obbligo di chi ha inquinato a disinquinare e farsi pieno carico dei danni.

Comitato sardo Gettiamo le Basi, tel 3467059885; 
Famiglie militari uccisi da tumore, tel 3341421838
Comitato Amparu (Teulada), tel 497851259;           
Comitato Su Sentidu (Decimo) tel  3334839824

domenica 12 febbraio 2012

Nuclear accident scenario kept under wraps

Nuclear accident scenario kept under wraps
A document submitted to the government 2 weeks after the Fukushima nuclear accident suggested that the Tokyo metropolitan area might have to be evacuated. But the government failed to acknowledge the existence of the document until the end of last year.

The Atomic Energy Commission report was compiled at the request of Naoto Kan, who was Prime Minister at the time.

The commission's chief, Shunsuke Kondo, said the document explains possible contingencies following the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident as well as preventive measures.

The report said massive amounts of radioactive materials could be dispersed from the plant if containment vessels were damaged or used fuel was exposed to the air if water injection failed.

It said under such a scenario, residents would have to be evacuated from an area within 170 kilometers of the plant and within 250 kilometers on a voluntary basis. This would include the Tokyo metropolitan area.

The report recommended that different methods should be used to cool down the reactors.

Kan told NHK last September that his government had made a simulation based on the worst-case scenario. But the report was not treated as an official document until it was discovered in the commission's office at the end of last year.

A Japanese civic group investigating the Fukushima nuclear accident is looking into the reasons why the document was not made public.
Sunday, February 12, 2012 23:24 +0900 (JST)

sabato 11 febbraio 2012

Fukushima: Earthquake (177, Feb 3-10, 2012)

Earthquake (177, Feb 3-10, 2012)Data: 12/02/12 04:01

Corrections and Apologies: When re-cheking my estimation of thyroid doses as reported in Earthquake (175, Jan 20-27, 2012) with the attachment: Estimation of Thyroid Doses from Land Contamination Maps for the Fukushima Disaster, ICONE20-55048, I found an embarrassing confusion in incorporating the difference in dose conversion methods between the Chernobyl accident and Fukushima. After the initial explosion, followed with graphite fire, a prolonged radioactive iodine release occurred for ten days in Chernobyl. Whereas at Fukushima, the releases were series of "puff releases", sometimes accompanied with hydrogen explosions. In the dose conversion process, I was confused in estimating the time-integrated radioactive intake and failed to correctly use the ventilation rates for the "puff release" cases. Please discard the previous version and substitute into the new one. The changes are indicated with red fonts. I also receive a scientific comment from Dr. Rosalie Bertell, who touched on hypothyroidism. I revised the Chapter IV DISCUSSIONS completely, focusing on health effects of thyroid intakes. Dear Colleagues: 322nd - 329th day! I. Upate of estimation of thyroid doses and effects of low level exposure I received a couple of comments and questions related with my draft paper: Estimation of Thyroid Doses from Land Contamination Maps for the Fukushima Disaster, ICONE20-55048 In the attached revised draft, Chapter IV Discussions has been totally revised to focus on health effects of intakes of radioactive iodine. One unthinkable news related with this issue is reported in the Yomiuri Newspaper (in Japanese, TEPCO prescribed about 15,000 iodine tablets to radiation workers between March 13 to October 12. Among them, 226 workers who took more than 1 gram were screened for blood tests of thyroid hormones. Three of them were identified with low level in the hormone but went back to a normal level after termination of prescription. The stable iodine dosing may have been effective for a few weeks, after March 11, especially during the 10 days of active phase, but such a prolonged dosages to radiation workers cannot be rationalized, I believe. The unnecessary dosage can induce negative side effects, as well known in thyroid illness. II. Update of Chernobyl experiences In Earthquake (176, Jan 27 - Feb 3, 2012), I introduced the news of three Ukraine scientists visited Japan to give a series of lectures on Ukraine experiences for amelioration of the aftermath of the Chernobyl accident: Dr. Oleksandr KLIUCHNYKOV Mr.Viktor KRASNOV Dr. Valerii KASHPAROV Dr. Kashparov kindly confirmed my explanation as copied in the following text: "I was very glad to meet you during my last visit to Japan. You have really understood the main statements of my presentation: iodine mainly was uptaken by children with the consumed milk. In that time in the regions of Ukraine and Belarus adjacent to the accident area the weather was very warm, and cows were grazing on the pastures. However, the grass was not well developed, and each cow had to eat grass from the big area and thus consumed the big amounts of iodine; the resulting specific activities in milk reached hundreds kBq/L. In Russia that period was rather cold weather, and the cows were mainly kept in stalls (not at the pastures). Thus in Russia there was no big rise of the thyroid cancers." Indeed, this is one of the key issues. Let me quote the relevant statement from my previous paper (Genn Saji, 2005. A Scoping Study on the Environmental Releases from the Chernobyl Accident (Part II): Iodine. In. International Topical Meeting on Probabilistic Safety Analysis, PSA’05 11-15 September 2005, San Francisco, California, USA. Available from ANS Store.) "Makhonko and his colleagues of the Experimental Meteorology Institute of S.-I.C. ‘Tayfoon’ (Russia) also found that the putting of milk cattle out to pasture has not begun at the moment of the arrival of the radioactive plume in the northern areas at the time of the Chernobyl Accident, which occurred on the 26th of April, 1986. For example, in Kaluga region, Makhonko and his coworkers report that the best estimated time for the beginning of pasturing is between the 5th to the 10th of May, when the grass height exceeds 5 – 6 cm; whereas the I-131 fallouts in Obninsk have started as early as on the 28th of April, two days after the accident. The spring was abnormally warm in 1986, therefore it was decided that the 5th of May was more than likely the beginning of pasturing period in this region. Further to the south, the pasturing may have started at the time of the arrival of the plume: [Makhonko, K. P. and Kim, V. M., The Calculation of the Dose Load for the Thyroid Gland by Consumption of Milk after the Chernobyl Accident, The Experimental Meteorology Institute of S.-I.C., Russian Journal ‘Atomnaya Energia’ v.83, Issue 1, July, p. 134 (1997), (in Russian, a private English translation is available upon request)" III. Mysterious temperature rise in 1F2 I introduced this issue in Earthquake (176, Jan 27 - Feb 3, 2012). On February 11, TEPCO reported that this mysterious temperature behavior still continues even after an increase in water injection rates as quoted below from "From February 2, water-injection to Unit2 reactor was increased and the temperature tendency was monitored as the tendency of temperature rise at the bottom of PCV was observed, but the temperature have been high value (around 70.0°C). As a result of the sampling for the Gas Control System of the Unit 2 on February 6 to make sure there is no re-criticality state, we confirmed that the concentration of Xe-135 was below the detectible limit at the system's inlet, meaning that it falls below the re-criticality criteria of 1 Bq/cm3. In order not to raise the possibility of re-criticality state due to the high density of water in the reactor by injecting cold water rapidly, we injected boric acid into the reactor from 0:19 am to 3:20 am on February 7, in advance of increasing water injection amount, as a safety countermeasures against the re-criticality, and changed the amount of the core spray system injection water from 3.7m3/h to 6.7m3/h at 4:24 am (the amount of the feed water system injection is 6.8m3/h). Currently, the temperature is approx. 70°C (2/11 11:00) and we continuously monitor the tendency." I have been worrying, for the last several months, a possibility of fuel channel blockage with corrosion products occurring with poor water chemistry management since the beginning of water injection. The corrosion products blockage seems to be occurring frequently in the water purification lines, especially at filters. With radiation, the reactor core region becomes cathodic, which tends to invite deposition of corrosion products in anion states. When the cooling line can be made into a compact recirculation loop, it is possible to adjust the water chemistry. However, with such a gigantic water purification system, it is going to be impossible. If it is really due to fuel channel blockage, one possibility for amelioration is chemical decontamination. In the Japanese BWR community, including TEPCO, the CORD technology (Siemens, KWU) has been used. The method essentially chemically dissolve CRUD (Chalk River Unidentified Deposits, corrosion products in the primary system) by a strong acid at pH of around 2.1-2.4, followed with acidic neutralization process and removal processes of added chemicals. Although this technology has been applied to BWRs to reduce worker doses, its application to the damaged core should be a new challenge. However, at least a feasibility study is urgently waited for. IV. 1F4 SPF video On February 10, TEPCO posted a recent video of 1F4 SFP to confirm a transparency (in a sense purity) of the pool water in where the methodology is illustrated A 38MB video can be downloaded from the homepage, showing fuel racks covered with concrete debris. The top of individual fuel rods can be observed in the video, showing there is no apparent fuel melting events. V. Recent photos of Fukushima Dai-ichi Current Status of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station by photographs: For Fukushima Dai-ni, a good presentation is also available, however, it appears to be released only in Japanese. Well, let me stop here today! Genn Saji 

La Bomba Atomica: Da Berlino a Dimona

La Bomba Atomica: Da Berlino a Dimona Il materiale presenta una complessa ricostruzione della storia della bomba atomica, focalizzandosi su ...