domenica 28 ottobre 2012

Fukushima and nuclear war

Fukushima 'running out of space' to store radioactive water --Nuclear engineer: 'Radioactive water in the basements may already be getting into the underground water system, where it could reach far beyond the plant, possibly into the ocean or public water supplies.' 25 Oct 2012 Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant is struggling to find space to store tens of thousands of tons of highly contaminated water, it emerged today. About 200,000 tons of radioactive water used to cool the broken reactors are being stored in hundreds of gigantic tanks built around the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant. Tepco's tanks are filling up mostly because leaks in reactor facilities are allowing ground water to pour in.

Japan: Nuclear radiation could leak past zones 25 Oct 2012 Radiation leaks from Japan's nuclear reactors could spread farther than expected in the event of an accident, the country's nuclear regulatory agency said. Simulations conducted by the Nuclear Regulation Authority found hazardous levels of radiation could go beyond the 18.6-mile-radius priority zones used for emergency management planning, The Yomiuri Shimbun reported Thursday. A report released Wednesday by the NRA said the simulations found accumulated radiation levels around four of 16 nuclear plants could reach levels at which residents would need to evacuate in seven days.

Fukushima fish still radioactive --Many have cesium levels that are just as high as they were after disaster 25 Oct 2012 More than a year and a half after the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant disaster in Japan, many fish in the area contain levels of radioactive cesium that are just as high as they were soon after the nuclear crisis. The finding suggests that the region's coastal-dwelling fish are still being exposed to new sources of cesium, possibly from the seafloor or from contaminated groundwater that's flowing into the ocean.

Britain rejects US request to use UK bases in nuclear standoff with Iran --Secret legal advice states pre-emptive strike could be in breach of international law as Iran not yet 'clear and present threat' --Military action not 'right course', Downing Street says 25 Oct 2012 Britain has rebuffed US pleas to use military bases in the UK to support the build-up of forces in the Gulf, citing secret legal advice which states that any pre-emptive strike on Iran could be in breach of international law. The Guardian has been told that US diplomats have also lobbied for the use of British bases in Cyprus, and for permission to fly from US bases on Ascension Island in the Atlantic and Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean, both of which are British territories. The US approaches are part of contingency planning over the nuclear standoff with Tehran, but British ministers have so far reacted coolly. They have pointed US officials to legal advice drafted by the attorney general's office which has been circulated to Downing Street, the Foreign Office and the Ministry of Defence.

martedì 23 ottobre 2012

570,000Bq/Kg of Plutonium measured in Futaba

[False report ?] 570,000Bq/Kg of Plutonium was measured from black substance in Futaba machi

About the same news, paper based media (Fukushima minyu) reported this Assistant prof Kimura detected 570,000 Bq/Kg of Plutonium from moss (black substance) taken in Futaba machi Fukushima.
The sample was taken in 10/2/2012. The type of Plutonium is not announced.
Assistant Prof. Kimura comments, “We are going to have to consider if it’s really safe.”

↓ The article
[False report ?] 570,000Bq/Kg of Plutonium was measured in Futaba machi

↓ Location
[False report ?] 570,000Bq/Kg of Plutonium was measured from black substance in Futaba machi 2
↓ The moss (black substance)
[False report ?] 570,000Bq/Kg of Plutonium was measured from black substance in Futaba machi 3
昨日、Fukushima Diaryは『双葉町、除染しなければ…「帰町までに150年」』という見出しのニュースを取り上げました。
同じニュースに関して、紙媒体の方の福島民友では、木村准教授が福島県双葉町で採取したコケ(黒い物質)から570,000 Bq/Kgのプルトニウムを検出したことも報道されました。

Source 1 2 3

(تقرير زائف؟) 570.000 بيكريل\كغم من البلوتونيوم تم قياسها في مادةٍ سوداء في فوتابا ماتشي
فوكوشيما دايري قد بلغت عن هذا الوضع البارحة. It takes over 150 yrs for people to come back to Futaba machi, “Decontamination is useless.”
من نفس النطاق، نشرت بعض وسائل الاعلام الورقية (فوكوشيما مينيو) بأن معاون البروفيسور كيمورا، قد ضبط 570.000 بيكريل\كغم من البلوتونيوم من طحلب (مادة سوداء) مأخوذة من فوتابا ماتشي في فوكوشيما.
نفس المادة كانت قد أُخذت في العاشر من فبراير هذا العام. نوع البلوتونيوم غير معلن.
علّق مساعد البروفيسور كيمورا “علينا الاّن أن ننظر فيما إذا كانت اّمنة”.

[Falso rapporto ?] 570,000 Bq/Kg di Plutonio misurati da una sostanza nera a Futaba Machi
Fukushima Diary ha pubblicato ieri: Le persone impiegheranno oltre 150 anni per tornare a Futaba Machi. “La decontaminazione è inutile”.
Riguardo la stessa notizia, un media su carta (Fukushima minyu) ha pubblicato che questo assistente professor Kimura ha rilevato 570,000 Bq/Kg di Plutonio dal muschio (una sostanza nera) raccolto a Futaba Machi, a Fukushima.
Il campione è stato raccolto il 02/10/2012. Il tipo di Plutonio non è stato reso noto.
L’assistente professor Kimura ha così commentato: “Dobbiamo considerare se sia davvero sicuro”.

Français :
[Faux rapport ?] 570 000 Bq/Kg de Plutonium dans la substance noire de Futaba machi
Sur la même nouvelle, le média papier (le Fukushima Minyu) rapporte aussi que le Professeur Assistant Kimura a relevé 570 000 Bq/kg de plutonium dans des mousses (la substance noire) de Futaba machi dans Fukushima.
L’échantillon avait été pris le 2 octobre 2012. Le type de Plutonium n’est pas précisé.
Le Pr. Assistant Kimura ajoute : “Nous allons devoir reconsidérer si c’est vraiment sain.”
↓ L’article
[Faux rapport ?] 570 000 Bq/Kg de Plutonium dans la substance noire de Futaba machi
↓ L’endroit
[Faux rapport ?] 570 000 Bq/Kg de Plutonium dans la substance noire de Futaba machi 2
↓ La mousse (substance noire)
[Faux rapport ?] 570 000 Bq/Kg de Plutonium dans la substance noire de Futaba machi 3
昨日、Fukushima Diaryは『双葉町、除染しなければ…「帰町までに150年」』という見出しのニュースを取り上げました。
同じニュースに関して、紙媒体の方の福島民友では、木村准教授が福島県双葉町で採取したコケ(黒い物質)から570,000 Bq/Kgのプルトニウムを検出したことも報道されました。

Sources : 1 2 3

lunedì 8 ottobre 2012

L'imposture des facteurs de dose interne

L'imposture des facteurs de dose interne: le cas de l’uranium 238.

Le facteur de dose officiel par inhalation de l’uranium 238 est de 7,30E-6 Sv/Bq. Cette valeur d'absorption de 1 Bq est une valeur intégrée qui comptabilise l'ensemble des désintégrations qui auront lieu en 50 ans suite à l'incorporation de la masse radioactive qui engendre cet unique Becquerel. Ce Sv/Bq interne représente ainsi une somme de désintégrations nucléaires et non pas une seule et unique désintégration comme c'est par contre le cas pour les facteurs de dose externe.

Pour connaître la dose “officielle” absorbée par une seule et unique désintégration il incombe de diviser ce coefficient par le nombre d'émissions probables qui surviendront en 50 ans de résidence interne. Compte dûment tenu du fait que ce résidu insoluble des armes est en partie éliminé par voie biologique avec une période de 5 ans, la masse d’U238 résiduelle désintègrera 227,26 millions de fois dans l’organisme en 50 années. (1 Bq/4,396E-9 λe) * 1-(EXP(50*31536000*-4,396E-9  λe)) = 227,26 millions. Autrement dit incorporer 1 Bq de cet élément c'est se voir soumis à terme à 227,26 millions d’agressions ionisantes qui, d’après la science régnante et ignorante, conduisent à une valeur absorbée totale de 7,30E-6 Sv. Si donc 227,26 millions d'émissions valent 7,30E-6 Sv c'est alors que 1 désintégration vaut 7,30E-6/2,273E8 = 3,21E-14 Sv. 

Cette valeur établie de 3,21E-14 Sv par désintégration α de l’U238 a-t-elle un fondement physique objectif et irréfutable ? Pour répondre à cette question il suffit de se demander quelle masse de chair est nécessaire pour absorber une si faible dose alors que l'énergie moyenne de la particule alpha de l’U238  est de 4,184 MeV et que sa trajectoire dans l'organisme ne va au delà de 50 micron, une particule fine immobilisée de cet élément dissipant son énergie ionisante dans une infime masse corporelle de523,6 nanogrammes et de 50 micron de rayon

La réponse à ce questionnement est mathématiquement simple (A/B = C, A/C = B) mais le résultat qui en ressort est physiquement dément sans que “les savants” ne s’en offusquent, n’en perçoivent l’infernal danger. Il faut une masse de chair de 208,68 kg pour diluer une telle énergie en une si faible dose. (4,1840 MeV*1,602E-6 Erg par MeV*10 EBR)/(3,212E-14 Sv/Bq * 100 Erg/gr * 100 Rad/Sv) = 208,68 kg. Le rayon de cette masse supposée avoir encaissé l'irradiation est lui de (2,09E5 cm3/((4/3*3,14159)^1/3))) = 36,80 cm. Le rayonnement calculé va autrement dit 7359 plus loin qu'il ne peut physiquement aller. Une si énorme masse pour absorber une seule désintégration alpha à savoir une dose ionisante si faible par désintégration est à l'évidence physiquement impossible. Un tel facteur de dose interne est sans fondement objectif et grossièrement archi-faux. Il n’est là que pour dénier, diminuer et tuer. Prétendre assurer la radioprotection des soldats et des civils avec ces faux calculs nucléaires est un crime contre l’humanité. Il sera puni de cancer. Sans appel.

venerdì 5 ottobre 2012

Death in Fukushima exceeded 1,100 and it’s increasing

Disaster related death in Fukushima exceeded 1,100, “3.6 times much as Iwate and it’s increasing”

Disaster related death in Fukushima keeps increasing. Though the main disaster area was Miyagi, death cases in Fukushima is 140% of Miyagi.
On 9/14/2012, disaster related death was 1,104 in Fukushima. By the end of August. 2012, it was 799 in Miyagi, 305 in Iwate.
317 death cases were reported in Minamisoma city, which is the biggest number. It was 610 in 8 towns and villages of Futaba gun area. 100 in Iwaki city, 38 in iitate village, 17 in Soma city.
More cases are reported in the areas, where evacuation zone is located.
This August, Reconstruction agency of Japanese government reported the most common causes of death are physical and mental exhaustion from living in shelters (30%), and physical and mental exhaustion from transporting between shelters (30%).
Evacuees supporting department of Fukushima prefecture reports there are still numbers of applications for condolence money to be processed as relevant departments of local governments reported. More disaster related deaths will be reported.
Français :
Le nombre de morts liés à la catastrophe de Fukushima dépasse les 1 100 : 3,6 fois plus qu’à Iwate et ça augmente toujours
Le nombre de morts liés à la catastrophe de Fukushima augmente toujours. Bien que le gros de la catastrophe soit centré sur le Miyagi, le nombre de décès de Fukushima est de 140 % celui de Miyagi.
Le 14 septembre 2012, le nombre de morts liées à la catastrophe était de 1 104 dans Fukushima. Fin août 2012, ce nombre était de 799 dans le Miyagi, 305 dans Iwate.
317 cas de décès ont été relevés dans la ville de Minamisoma, ce qui est le chiffre le plus haut. Il est de 610 dans 8 villes et villages de la région du fusil de Futaba. 100 dans la ville d’Iwaki, 38 dans le village d’Iitate, 17 à Soma.
On a plus de cas dans les zones à l’intérieur de la zone d’évacuation.
Ce mois d’août, l’Agence pour la Reconstruction du gouvernement nippon a rapporté que la cause de décès la plus courante est  l’épuisement physique et moral du à la vie forcée dans les refuges (30%) et les épuisements physiques et moraux des déménagements entre refuges (30%).
Le département d’aide aux évacués de la préfecture de Fukushima rapporte qu’il reste beaucoup de demandes d’aides financières sur décès à traiter comme l’ont rapporté les services des municipalités. Le nombre de décès liés à la catastrophe ne peut donc qu’encore augmenter.

martedì 2 ottobre 2012

Army scientists secretly sprayed St Louis with 'radioactive' particles

Revealed: Army scientists secretly sprayed St Louis with 'radioactive' particles for YEARS to test chemical warfare technology

The United States Military conducted top secret experiments on the citizens of St. Louis, Missouri, for years, exposing them to radioactive compounds, a researcher has claimed.
While it was known that the government sprayed 'harmless' zinc cadmium silfide particles over the general population in St Louis, Professor Lisa Martino-Taylor, a sociologist at St. Louis Community College, claims that a radioactive additive was also mixed with the compound.
She has accrued detailed descriptions as well as photographs of the spraying which exposed the unwitting public, predominantly in low-income and minority communities, to radioactive particles.
Scroll down for video
Test: Sociologist Lisa Martino-Taylor, right, a sociologist at St. Louis Community College, has spent years tracking down declassified documents to uncover the lengths which the US experimented on people without their knowing. At left, cadmium sulfide, the 'harmless' chemical sprayed on the public is pictured
Spray: She has accrued detailed descriptions as well as photographs of the spraying, which took place as part of Manhattan-Rochester Coalition, which was an operation that dispersed zinc cadmium silfide particles over the general population, a compound that was presented as completely safe
'The study was secretive for reason. They didn't have volunteers stepping up and saying yeah, I'll breathe zinc cadmium sulfide with radioactive particles,' said Professor Martino-Taylor to KSDK.
Through her research, she found photographs of how the particles were distributed from 1953-1954 and 1963-1965.
In Corpus Christi, the chemical was dropped from airplanes over large swathes of city.  In St Louis, the Army put chemical sprayers on buildings, like schools and public housing projects, and mounted them in station wagons for mobile use.
Despite the extent of the experiment, local politicians were not notified about the content of the testing. The people of St Louis were told that the Army was testing smoke screens to protect cities from a Russian attack.
'It was pretty shocking. The level of duplicity and secrecy. Clearly they went to great lengths to deceive people,' Professor Martino-Taylor said. 
Controversial: But Professor Martino-Taylor says that it wasn't just the 'harmless' compound, radioactive particles were also sprayed on the unwitting public. A woman refills the spray canisters in this archive picture
Scope: In St Louis, the Army put chemical sprayers on buildings, like schools and public housing projects, and mounted them in station wagons for mobile use
She accrued hundreds of pages of declassified information, which she has made available online.
In her research, she found that the greatest concentration of spraying in St Louis was at the Pruitt-Igoe public housing complex, which was home to 10,000 low income residents.  She said that 70 per cent of those residents were children under the age of 12.
Professor Martino-Taylor became interested in the topic after hearing independent reports of cancers among city residents living in those areas at the time.
'This was a violation of all medical ethics, all international codes, and the military's own policy at that time,' said Professor Martino-Taylor.
How To: Despite the extent of the experiment, local politicians were not notified about the content of the testing. In this picture, a man demonstrates how to spray the canisters
How To: Despite the extent of the experiment, local politicians were not notified about the content of the testing. In this picture, a man demonstrates how to spray the canisters
School: The people of St Louis were told that the Army was testing smoke screens to protect cities from a Russian attack. A canister is positioned on top of a school in this photo
'There is a lot of evidence that shows people in St. Louis and the city, in particular minority communities, were subjected to military testing that was connected to a larger radiological weapons testing project.'
Previous investigations of the compound were rebuffed by the military, which insisted it was safe.  
However, Professor Martino-Taylor believes the documents she's uncovered, prove the zinc cadmium silfide was also mixed with radioactive particles.
She has linked the St Louis testing to a now-defunct company called US Radium. The controversial company came under fire, and numerous lawsuits, after several of its workers were exposed to dangerous levels of radioactive materials in its fluorescent paint.
Contaminated: The Army has admitted that it added a fluorescent substance to the 'harmless' compound, but whether or not the additive was radioactive remains classified
Exposed: In her research, she found that the greatest concentration of spraying in St Louis was at the Pruit-Igoe public housing complex, which was home to 10,000 low income residents. She said that 70 per cent of those residents were children under the age of 12
'US Radium had this reputation where they had been found legally liable for producing a radioactive powdered paint that killed many young women who painted fluorescent watch tiles,' said Professor Martino-Taylor. 
In her findings, one of the compounds that was sprayed upon the public was called 'FP2266', according to the army's documents, and was manufactured by US Radium. The compound, also known as Radium 226, was the same one that killed and sickened many of the US Radium workers.
The Army has admitted that it added a fluorescent substance to the 'harmless' compound, but whether or not the additive was radioactive remains classified.
Professor Martino-Taylor has not been able to find if the Army ever followed up on the long term health of the residents exposed to the compound. In 1972, the government destroyed the Pruitt-Igoe houses.
Upon learning of the professor's findings, Missouri lawmakers called on the Army to detail the tests.
'I share and understand the renewed anxiety of members of the St. Louis communities that were exposed to the spraying of (the chemicals) as part of Army tests during the Cold War,' Senator Claire McCaskill wrote to Army Secretary John McHugh.
'The impacted communities were not informed of the tests at the time and are reasonably anxious about the long term health impacts the tests may have had on those exposed to the airborne chemicals.'
Senator Roy Blunt called the findings 'absolutely shocking.'
'The idea that thousands of Missourians were unwillingly exposed to harmful materials in order to determine their health effects is absolutely shocking. It should come as no surprise that these individuals and their families are demanding answers of government officials,' Senator Blunt said.

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