sabato 29 marzo 2014
giovedì 13 marzo 2014
Segreto atomico a Lentini, dove i bambini muoiono di leucemia
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Lentini (12 luglio 1984) - rottami del Lockeed C141 B Starlifter - archivio Lannes |
di Gianni Lannes
La più grande isola italiana è imbottita di armamenti atomici, in violazione del Trattato di non proliferazione nucleare (TNP). Ecco un altro segreto a stelle e strisce targato Washington. La Sicilia orientale è stata contaminata da radiazioni nucleari dopo l’incendio di un aereo militare con a bordo armamenti atomici - non innescati - dell’alleato nordamericano e precipitato nei dintorni di Lentini. Il velivolo era decollato da Sigonella.
Il 14 luglio 1984 alle ore 14.45 circa, si schianta in contrada Sambuci-San Demetrio a qualche chilometro da Lentini, in un agrumeto, in prossimità di una strada provinciale, il quadrigetto militare Lockeed C141B Starlifter. A bordo aveva un carico segreto. Nell’impatto muoiono sul colpo 9 militari nordamericani.
«I marines giunsero sul luogo del disastro pochi minuti dopo lo schianto e ostacolarono militarmente l’intervento dei mezzi di soccorso locali e l’accesso delle forze dell’ordine; l’indagine fu sottratta alla magistratura italiana» mi aveva rivelato nel 2006 Enzo Laezza, sostituto commissario della Polizia di Stato. Il signor Laezza, l’11 agosto 1987 ha perso la figlia Manuela di 7 anni, colpita dalla leucemia mieloide acuta. La zona dove precipitò l’aereo USA venne transennata e, per una quarantina di giorni la statale 194 che collega Catania a Ragusa, fu interdetta al traffico veicolare. Un altro aeroplano da guerra dell’aviazione USA in volo verso la base di Sigonella, perse quota su Lentini nel giugno 1985. L’area rimase impenetrabile per diversi mesi, fino a quando tutti i rottami del velivolo non furono recuperati.
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foto Gianni Lannes (tutti i diritti riservati) |
A Lentini, Carlentini e Francofonte - luoghi famosi nel mondo per le arance - i bambini muoiono di leucemia più che in ogni altra zona d’Italia. La radioattività bellica uccide. Il 30 gennaio 2006, l’associazione “Manuela-Michele”, che dal 1991 si batte per far luce sul gran numero di bambini deceduti in loco a causa della leucemia, ha presentato una denuncia alla Procura della Repubblica di Siracusa, sollecitando un’indagine sulla «tangibile possibilità che i numerosi casi di leucemia possano essere causati dalla commistione di reati contro l’ambiente». Il fascicolo da allora è nelle mani del pm Musco.
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foto Gianni Lannes (tutti i diritti riservati) |
Vi è radioattività nel triangolo Lentini, Carlentini, Francofonte? «Non si sa che effetto avrà sul sistema immunitario dei siciliani di Lentini la radioattività delle scorie nucleari nascoste dagli americani nel suolo» si legge in un passaggio del libro scritto dal professor J.W. Gofman, Radiation and Human Health (Sierra Club Books, San Francisco). Le ricerche scientifiche concordano nel ritenere l’esposizione a grandi quantità di radiazioni, il maggiore fattore di rischio per il tumore del sangue.
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foto Gianni Lannes (tutti i diritti riservati) |
«La leucemia è associata al plutonio, responsabile della perdita dell’immunità biologica che colpisce un numero crescente di persone» argomenta l’illustre scienziato Gofman.
La Base aerea di Sigonella è un'installazione militare italiana sede del 41º Stormo AntiSom dell'Aeronautica Militare italiana ed ospita, inoltre, la Naval Air Station Sigonella (abbreviata in NAS Sigonella o NASSIG) della Marina Statunitense e dall'aeroporto.
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Sigonella - photo by NATO |
La base controllata e ribattezzata dagli "Alleati" addirittura "Saigonella" - come ben sanno i governanti tricolore e lo Stato Maggiore Difesa - è fornita di bombe atomiche, del tipo B 43, B 61, B 83, con potenza distruttiva variabile da 1 kiloton a 1,45 megaton nonché di mine nucleari di profondità. La U.S. Naval Computer and Telecommunication Station Sicily controlla, inoltre, la base 'Ulmo' di Niscemi dove si trovano 41 antenne che collegano i reparti fra Asia sud-occidentale, Oceano Indiano e Oceano Atlantico. E dove è stato allestito illegalmente il Muos.
Nel 2006 ho realizzato un’inchiesta giornalistica, pubblicata il 31 agosto 2007 dal settimanale LEFT. Su questa base conoscitiva i senatori Liotta, Russo Spena e Martone il 13 settembre di 7 anni fa, hanno indirizzato ai ministri dell’ambiente, della salute e della difesa l’interrogazione a risposta scritta numero 4-02645.
Il governo Prodi, come in seguito il governo Berlusconi, il governo Monti, il governo Letta e il governo Renzi non hanno mai risposto. Mentre il presidente della Repubblica, Giorgio Napolitano non si è mai interessato al caso. Se un capo dello Stato, da buon padre di famiglia, non ha a cuore la vita dei bambini, in virtù dell'articolo 32 della Costituzione, allora a che serve la sua funzione?
martedì 11 marzo 2014
Réunion secrète du lobby nucléaire à Paris
Réunion secrète du lobby nucléaire à Paris ce 11 mars pour les 3 ans du début de la catastrophe de Fukushima
Parce qu'il est inconcevable pour le Japon d'assurer l'évacuation des zones contaminées, la catastrophe de Fukushima a fait des millions de cobayes condamnés à survivre sur des territoires contaminés pour toujours. Tchernobyl puis Fukushima ont produit une nouvelle génération de nucléocrates, tout entiers dédiés au contrôle social, pour eux, vivre après Fukushima, c'est réapprendre à vivre, à vivre autrement, à intégrer au quotidien la présence de la radioactivité comme composante nouvelle de l'existence. Ces nucléocrates cherchent à organiser l'invisibilité du désastre. Avec les programmes ETHOS, déjà conduits par l'industrie nucléaire en Biélorussie suite à Tchernobyl, ils ont « aidé » les populations à faire comme si elles pouvaient vivre normalement dans des conditions qui les tuent. Cela s'appelle « le développement durable sous contrainte radiologique ». Armés de compteurs Geiger ils sont allés jusqu'à expliquer aux femmes enceintes qu'elles devraient se « réapproprier leur environnement ». L'Europe aura bientôt besoin de ces experts pour en appliquer les conclusions ici. Car les États européens se sont rendus à l'évidence : le développement actuel du nucléaire impose d'envisager l'éventualité de telles catastrophes. Le Codirpa vise à anticiper le prochain accident en France en formant les habituels relais du pouvoir (professionnels de l'éducation, de la santé, etc...) à « une culture de protection radiologique », véritable guide de conduite pour apprendre à mourir en comptant les becquerels.
Ce sale boulot prend tout son sens une fois mis en relation avec les dernières décisions au Japon où les seuils de radioactivité ont été revus à la hausse 20 mSv, normalisant la vie en territoire contaminé et permettant bientôt à 30 000 personnes de revenir vivre en zones jusque là évacuées. Cette vaste entreprise de camouflage consiste à accoutumer les esprits au fait accompli. Et, dans cette scénographie, il ne manque pas d’« experts », pour jouer les faire-valoir de ce projet négationniste. Toute cette affaire vise à organiser l'acceptation du nucléaire en France et dans le monde. Pour être pleinement efficace, le travail de dissimulation des experts se double d’une importante propagande médiatique. Fardée d'images et bardée d'experts, la catastrophe doit sembler gérable dans un quotidien ininterrompu « d'incidents significatifs », de « retours d'expérience », d'« accidents domestiqués », de distribution de pastilles d'iode et d'« amélioration des méthodes d'interaction avec les populations ».
Bien sûr, cette habituation à laquelle les nucléocrates travaillent n'a pas pour finalité d'empêcher une catastrophe que l'armée est désormais officiellement la seule habilitée à « gérer », elle est juste nécessaire à faire subsister une vie sociale qui même médiocre ou très dégradée est une des conditions du maintien d'un état structuré lors de désastres comme à Tchernobyl, à Fukushima et peut-être bientôt en France.
La coordination Stop Nucléaire.
Parce qu'il est inconcevable pour le Japon d'assurer l'évacuation des zones contaminées, la catastrophe de Fukushima a fait des millions de cobayes condamnés à survivre sur des territoires contaminés pour toujours. Tchernobyl puis Fukushima ont produit une nouvelle génération de nucléocrates, tout entiers dédiés au contrôle social, pour eux, vivre après Fukushima, c'est réapprendre à vivre, à vivre autrement, à intégrer au quotidien la présence de la radioactivité comme composante nouvelle de l'existence. Ces nucléocrates cherchent à organiser l'invisibilité du désastre. Avec les programmes ETHOS, déjà conduits par l'industrie nucléaire en Biélorussie suite à Tchernobyl, ils ont « aidé » les populations à faire comme si elles pouvaient vivre normalement dans des conditions qui les tuent. Cela s'appelle « le développement durable sous contrainte radiologique ». Armés de compteurs Geiger ils sont allés jusqu'à expliquer aux femmes enceintes qu'elles devraient se « réapproprier leur environnement ». L'Europe aura bientôt besoin de ces experts pour en appliquer les conclusions ici. Car les États européens se sont rendus à l'évidence : le développement actuel du nucléaire impose d'envisager l'éventualité de telles catastrophes. Le Codirpa vise à anticiper le prochain accident en France en formant les habituels relais du pouvoir (professionnels de l'éducation, de la santé, etc...) à « une culture de protection radiologique », véritable guide de conduite pour apprendre à mourir en comptant les becquerels.
Ce sale boulot prend tout son sens une fois mis en relation avec les dernières décisions au Japon où les seuils de radioactivité ont été revus à la hausse 20 mSv, normalisant la vie en territoire contaminé et permettant bientôt à 30 000 personnes de revenir vivre en zones jusque là évacuées. Cette vaste entreprise de camouflage consiste à accoutumer les esprits au fait accompli. Et, dans cette scénographie, il ne manque pas d’« experts », pour jouer les faire-valoir de ce projet négationniste. Toute cette affaire vise à organiser l'acceptation du nucléaire en France et dans le monde. Pour être pleinement efficace, le travail de dissimulation des experts se double d’une importante propagande médiatique. Fardée d'images et bardée d'experts, la catastrophe doit sembler gérable dans un quotidien ininterrompu « d'incidents significatifs », de « retours d'expérience », d'« accidents domestiqués », de distribution de pastilles d'iode et d'« amélioration des méthodes d'interaction avec les populations ».
Bien sûr, cette habituation à laquelle les nucléocrates travaillent n'a pas pour finalité d'empêcher une catastrophe que l'armée est désormais officiellement la seule habilitée à « gérer », elle est juste nécessaire à faire subsister une vie sociale qui même médiocre ou très dégradée est une des conditions du maintien d'un état structuré lors de désastres comme à Tchernobyl, à Fukushima et peut-être bientôt en France.
La coordination Stop Nucléaire.
sabato 8 marzo 2014
Fukushima goes worldwide, nuking everything
March 8th, 2014 | Posted by Bob Nichols
Fukushima: A River Runs Through It
This is Not the Movie Version
(San Francisco) – Robert Redford and Brad Pitt along with other top notch actors made a superb movie named “A River Runs Through It” in 1992. The movie was from a story set in the American West by Norman Maclean.
This is not that story, however. This a story of an ongoing, grimy industrial disaster that destroyed any hope of continued life on Earth. We have seen it come to pass in our lifetimes. People mostly stood by and did nothing. There is nothing we can do about it now, it is a done deal and is now called an “Extinction Level Event.”
Some have asked “How much water flows through Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant’s six reactors? The short answer is: A bunch.
The operator of the leaking Fukushima nuclear plant said Tuesday that it dumped more than 1,000 tons of polluted water
Yes, a river does run through it. The Fukushima Daiichi industrial complex in North Eastern Japan is on the coast of the Pacific Ocean. The water flows down from the hills behind the Nuke Power Plant as it has for millennia. It is a natural process of the Earth. There are also the torrential rains and the regular typhoons; known in the West as hurricanes.
The site is on a big area of beach front property on the Pacific Ocean. Big enough to put six big reactors all lined up in a row on the ocean frontage, except there used to be a cliff there.
General Electric Corporation, the American manufacturer of little nuke power plants that could for submarines, picked the location and decided it would be cheaper to move the cliff than it would be to pump ocean water up the cliff to cool the Nukes.
A simple enough business decision, since it might cost 4% of the Net Electrical Output of the Reactors to pump the ocean water up the cliff. Done. Decision made. Scrape away the cliff. Not a problem.
If any Japanese objected, they could deal with General Douglas MacArthur’s post WWII Army of Occupation or the Yakuza Japanese Mafia “friends of Tepco.”
Meanwhile, GE was very busy enlarging the little reactor that powered American Submarines, literally. The engineers slavishly kept the upside down design, too, even though the reactor would be on dry land and not at Sea.
At Sea a misbehaving reactor core can simply be dropped to the bottom of the ocean. Decades later, in 2011, the submarine reactors were doomed to do just as they were designed to do and drop their misbehaving, melting 2,070°F Uranium reactor cores to drop, plop, right through the reactor. The white hot melted cores then proceeded to burn through the concrete basements and dirt into the old river bed.
The reactors did exactly as they were supposed to do. It was humans that screwed up and parked the ocean-going reactors on a beach in North Eastern Japan.
The old river would still flow through the plant area as it always has. Concealed, underground, it will leisurely carry intensely radioactive molecules from hundreds of tonnes of runaway, highly Lethal reactor cores into the Pacific Ocean for eternity.
So yea, a river ran through the Fukushima Daiichi site from the mountains. It still does – it is just underground. You know somethin’? It still will, too, till the end of time; long after humans are extinguished from the Earth by radiation.
That, in a nutshell, is why this disaster is called an Extinction Level Event (ELE) and the still flowing, invisible underground river has as much to do with it as anything. For once the Rad gets into the ocean and the air; it goes worldwide, nuking everything.
Sources and Notes1. A River Runs Through It Norman Maclean, Author, published 1976, “In A River Runs Through It, Norman Maclean claims that “in my family, there is no clear line between religion and fly-fishing.” Nor is there a clear line between family and fly-fishing. It is the one activity where brother can connect with brother and father with son, bridging troubled relationships…” Amazon, 1000 tons of polluted Fukushima water dumped in sea, SBS Com AU News, Sep 17, 2013, Source AFP,[End]
lunedì 3 marzo 2014
JAPAN: The Abe government has gone BERSERK !
Japan still doesn't get it: it is time to go nuclear free for good
Blogpost by Brian Blomme - February 27, 2014
Japan has released a first draft of a new energy policy that surprisingly, given the Fukushima disaster, still sees a future for nuclear in the country's energy mix. The plan also calls for an increase in renewables, but the call for restarting reactors is the bad idea in the plan.
Katsutaka Idogawa, the former mayor of Futaba town presents his family tree, which he brought from his old house in Futaba town to his new house in Kazo city, where he evacuated after the disaster of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
Right now all 48 reactors still left standing in Japan are offline. For a good deal of the three years since the Fukushima nuclear disaster Japan has lived without any of its reactors operating. There have been no blackouts, people have reduced their demand and the economy is functioning.
By being nuclear free for months on end, Japan has shown it doesn't need nuclear reactors. The government's fixation with keeping nuclear in its proposed energy mix shows the lack of leadership of the Abe government on energy policy.
The Abe government has been talking about restarting reactors since it was elected but restarts are still not certain. Clearly, restarting is more complicated than the government has been admitting.
The government could show real leadership on energy policy by doing far more than it has so far to promote the development of renewables.
The draft plan also calls for accelerating renewable power over the coming years. That needs to be supported by policies that turn promises into action.
So far the Abe government has squandered the time since it was elected. It could have used this time to develop more renewable power.
Instead it has drafted a plan that focuses on what management of nuclear utilities want, not the public. It's a plan that looks to the past and a dirty energy source, not the future which is clean green energy.
There is leadership on renewables in Japan; it is coming from households and municipalities.
Thanks to 400,000 small household installations, solar pv have gone up to a capacity of 6,800 megawatts – roughly equivalent to the capacity of seven reactors in Japan.
This significant growth has come since July 2012 when the previous government introduced a feed in tariff to encourage the development of renewables.
That's the minimum level of leadership the Abe government should be aiming for to encourage the development of renewables.
When the idea of a plan was announced, 19,000 people and Greenpeace Japan sent in comments. The government hasn't taken these into account in its draft. If it were listening to the public, the plan would be talking about phasing out nuclear, since that's what the majority of the public wants.
Brian Blomme is a communications manager with Greenpeace International. He was on the witness tour to Fukushima.
Blog post by: Brian Blomme
Brian Blomme is a climate and energy communications manager for Greenpeace International.
All blogposts by Brian Blomme
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