venerdì 13 gennaio 2012

Fukushima larger than Chernobyl — Japan people deceived

German Physician: Fukushima larger than Chernobyl — Japan people deceived — Can feel only helpless rage

*UPDATE* Translation Links Below
Der heiße Stein, by Gabriele Goettle, Dec. 26, 2011 [Emphasis Added]:
Google Translation
Headline: The hot stone
Subheading: The doctor Dörte Siedentopf organized recreation for 20 years stays for Chernobyl children. She is bewildered about how to deal with Fukushima. [...]
“The worst thing is that the organizers have learned nothing from Chernobyl. I’m speechless over the handling of the nuclear disaster in Fukushima, which is still larger than that of Chernobyl. Furthermore, the government’s evacuation zone does not increase accordingly, and women and children has not brought immediately to the south of the country in safety, one can only feel helpless rage. Instead, the population systematically lied to, they will not or are misinformed about the real dangers. This is completely irresponsible.What’s coming on now because the Japanese to diseases and problems, this is impossible. And the company policy and nuclear industry really buying into everything! Worldwide! [...]
Headline: The hot stone
Subheading: The lady doctor Dörte simmering pot organizes since 20 years recuperative vacations for Tschernobyl children. It is speechless over handling Fukushima. [...]
“The worst is that the responsible persons did not learn anything from Tschernobyl. I am speechless over handling the reactor disaster in Fukushima, which is still more extensive than from Tschernobyl. Over the fact that the government expanded the evacuation zone not accordingly and brought women and children not immediately into the south of the country in security, one can feel only helpless rage. Instead the population is systematically deceived, her not at all or wrongly informed about the real dangers. That is perfectly irresponsible. Which comes there now to the Japanese, at illnesses and problems, that is inconceivable. And politics and economics of nuclear energy really accept that everything! World-wide! [...]
h/t EX-SKF
Read the article in German here
*UPDATE* Translation Links Below:

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