sabato 29 dicembre 2012

American sailors sue TEPCO

American sailors sue TEPCO for lying about Fukushima

Posted on December 27, 2012 by WashingtonsBlog 

On the USS Ronald Reagan for Rescue Work
Preface:  Before you get too mad at the Japanese, remember that the U.S. government and nuclear industry are just as bad.  And America is largely dictating Japanese nuclear policy.
Courthouse News Service reports:
Eight crew members of the U.S.S. Ronald Reagan, whose home port is San Diego, sued the Tokyo Electric Power Co. in Federal Court.
>They claim the utility company, “a wholly owned public benefit subsidiary of the government of Japan,” misrepresented radiation levels to lull the U.S. Navy “into a false sense of security.”
>Lead plaintiff Lindsay R. Cooper claims Tokyo Electric (TEPCO) intentionally concealed the dangerous levels of radiation in the environment from
U.S. Navy rescue crews working off the coast of Japan after the March 10, 2011 earthquake and tsunami set off the nuclear disaster.
>“TEPCO pursued a policy to cause rescuers, including the plaintiffs,
to rush into an unsafe area which was too close to the FNPP [Fukushima
Nuclear Power Plant] that had been damaged. Relying upon the
misrepresentations regarding health and safety made by TEPCO … the U.S.
Navy was lulled into a false sense of security,” the complaint states.
>Six of the eight plaintiffs worked on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier; two worked in air contamination or the “air department.” One
sued also on behalf of her infant daughter.
>Japan called the relief effort Operation Tomadachi.
>The complaint states: “Defendant TEPCO and the government of Japan, conspired and acted in concert, among other things, to create an illusory impression that the extent of the radiation that had leaked from the site of the
FNPP was at levels that would not pose a threat to the plaintiffs, in
order to promote its interests and those of the government of Japan, knowing that the information it disseminated was defective, incomplete and
untrue, while omitting to disclose the extraordinary risks posed to the
plaintiffs who were carrying out their assigned duties aboard the U.S.S. Ronald Reagan.” [Even an official Japanese inquiry found "collusion between the government, the regulators and Tepco"]
>It adds: “Defendant represented and warranted that the levels of
contamination to which the plaintiffs would be exposed were less than
harmful to them and that their presence during ‘Operation Tomadachi’
would not cause any different or greater harm to them than they may have experienced on missions in the past. …
>“At all times relevant times, the defendant, TEPCO, was aware that exposure to even a low dose of radiation creates a danger to one’s health [that's true] and that it is important to accurately report actual levels.
>And, they say: “Defendants had actual and/or constructive knowledge
of the properties of radiation that would ensure that, once released
into the environment, radiation would spread further and in
concentrations that would cause injury to the plaintiffs.”
>The plaintiffs claim the government deliberately misled them: “the Japanese government kept representing that there was no danger of
radiation contamination to the U.S.S. Reagan … and/or its crew, that
‘everything is under control,’ ‘all is OK, you can trust us,’ and there
is ‘no immediate danger’ or threat to human life, all the while lying through their teeth about the reactor meltdowns at FNPP. [While
the Japanese government hid radiation from its own people, it
purportedly did share it with the U.S. military.]
>“Such reports were widely circulated with the defendant, TEPCO’s,
organization at the time it was published, despite the fact that the
defendant knew that higher levels of radiation existed within the area
whereat the plaintiffs and their vessel would be and were operating.”
>“According to then-existing data uniquely known to the defendant at
the time, the plaintiffs’ consequent exposure to radiation within their
zone of operation, then indicated that radiation levels had already
reached levels exceeding the levels of exposure to which those living
the same distance from Chernobyl experienced who subsequently developed
cancer,” the complaint states. [Yup.]
>The sailors say they “face additional and irreparable harm to their
life expectancy, which has been shortened and cannot be restored to its
prior condition.”
But surely the Japanese government and Tepco are on top of things now …
Not exactly:
* CNN notes that experts call Japan cleanup effort meaningless … an endless task that’s simply spreading around radiation
* Tepco has taken extraordinary steps to hide radiation by blocking radiation monitors with thick metal and other foreign objects.  And see this
* Officials have made use of contaminated Fukushimarice in school lunches mandatory
http://www.washingt 2012/12/american -sailors- sue-tepco- for-lying- about-fukushima. html

See also

http://www.bloomber 2012-12-27/ tokyo-electric- sued-by-u- s-sailors- exposed-to- radiation. html

martedì 25 dicembre 2012

Radioactive legacy of US assault on Fallujah

Toxic legacy of US assault on Fallujah 'worse than Hiroshima'

The shocking rates of infant mortality and cancer in Iraqi city raise new questions about battle

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Dramatic increases in infant mortality, cancer and leukaemia in the Iraqi city of Fallujah, which was bombarded by US Marines in 2004, exceed those reported by survivors of the atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, according to a new study.

Iraqi doctors in Fallujah have complained since 2005 of being overwhelmed by the number of babies with serious birth defects, ranging from a girl born with two heads to paralysis of the lower limbs. They said they were also seeing far more cancers than they did before the battle for Fallujah between US troops and insurgents.
Their claims have been supported by a survey showing a four-fold increase in all cancers and a 12-fold increase in childhood cancer in under-14s. Infant mortality in the city is more than four times higher than in neighbouring Jordan and eight times higher than in Kuwait.
Dr Chris Busby, a visiting professor at the University of Ulster and one of the authors of the survey of 4,800 individuals in Fallujah, said it is difficult to pin down the exact cause of the cancers and birth defects. He added that "to produce an effect like this, some very major mutagenic exposure must have occurred in 2004 when the attacks happened".
US Marines first besieged and bombarded Fallujah, 30 miles west of Baghdad, in April 2004 after four employees of the American security company Blackwater were killed and their bodies burned. After an eight-month stand-off, the Marines stormed the city in November using artillery and aerial bombing against rebel positions. US forces later admitted that they had employed white phosphorus as well as other munitions.
In the assault US commanders largely treated Fallujah as a free-fire zone to try to reduce casualties among their own troops. British officers were appalled by the lack of concern for civilian casualties. "During preparatory operations in the November 2004 Fallujah clearance operation, on one night over 40 155mm artillery rounds were fired into a small sector of the city," recalled Brigadier Nigel Aylwin-Foster, a British commander serving with the American forces in Baghdad.
He added that the US commander who ordered this devastating use of firepower did not consider it significant enough to mention it in his daily report to the US general in command. Dr Busby says that while he cannot identify the type of armaments used by the Marines, the extent of genetic damage suffered by inhabitants suggests the use of uranium in some form. He said: "My guess is that they used a new weapon against buildings to break through walls and kill those inside."
The survey was carried out by a team of 11 researchers in January and February this year who visited 711 houses in Fallujah. A questionnaire was filled in by householders giving details of cancers, birth outcomes and infant mortality. Hitherto the Iraqi government has been loath to respond to complaints from civilians about damage to their health during military operations.
Researchers were initially regarded with some suspicion by locals, particularly after a Baghdad television station broadcast a report saying a survey was being carried out by terrorists and anybody conducting it or answering questions would be arrested. Those organising the survey subsequently arranged to be accompanied by a person of standing in the community to allay suspicions.
The study, entitled "Cancer, Infant Mortality and Birth Sex-Ratio in Fallujah, Iraq 2005-2009", is by Dr Busby, Malak Hamdan and Entesar Ariabi, and concludes that anecdotal evidence of a sharp rise in cancer and congenital birth defects is correct. Infant mortality was found to be 80 per 1,000 births compared to 19 in Egypt, 17 in Jordan and 9.7 in Kuwait. The report says that the types of cancer are "similar to that in the Hiroshima survivors who were exposed to ionising radiation from the bomb and uranium in the fallout".
Researchers found a 38-fold increase in leukaemia, a ten-fold increase in female breast cancer and significant increases in lymphoma and brain tumours in adults. At Hiroshima survivors showed a 17-fold increase in leukaemia, but in Fallujah Dr Busby says what is striking is not only the greater prevalence of cancer but the speed with which it was affecting people.
Of particular significance was the finding that the sex ratio between newborn boys and girls had changed. In a normal population this is 1,050 boys born to 1,000 girls, but for those born from 2005 there was an 18 per cent drop in male births, so the ratio was 850 males to 1,000 females. The sex-ratio is an indicator of genetic damage that affects boys more than girls. A similar change in the sex-ratio was discovered after Hiroshima.
The US cut back on its use of firepower in Iraq from 2007 because of the anger it provoked among civilians. But at the same time there has been a decline in healthcare and sanitary conditions in Iraq since 2003. The impact of war on civilians was more severe in Fallujah than anywhere else in Iraq because the city continued to be blockaded and cut off from the rest of the country long after 2004. War damage was only slowly repaired and people from the city were frightened to go to hospitals in Baghdad because of military checkpoints on the road into the capital.

sabato 22 dicembre 2012

Fine calendario Maya e 19mila testate nucleari

Fine calendario Maya e 19mila testate nucleari per la fine del mondo

Se la fine del mondo Maya era "solo" la fine del calendario Maya ciò non toglie che "con 19mila armi atomiche intorno c'è una buona possibilità". Questo il messaggio dell'ICAN (International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons), anche se il nostro mondo, come scrive nel suo libro il Presidente dell'AIPRI Paolo Scampa, è ormai "una camera a gas atomica".

La fine del calendario Maya su cui i fuffologi hanno basato (fino all'ultimo minuto) intere carriere, non c'è stata. Nessuna traccia nemmeno del panico collettivo che qualche sociologo aveva previsto, essendo questa a buon diritto la prima apocalisse dei tempi "connessi". La fine del calendario Maya può essere però un momento di riflessione importante su una vera "possibile fine del mondo" che ci minaccia, orologio nuclearealla mano (non quello dell'INRIM ma quello del Doomsday Clock). Si tratta delle 19mila testate nucleari puntate sull'avversario (di turno) che il mondo atomicamente armato conserva gelosamente nei propri silos. Testate nucleari pronte, ad un cenno, a sterminare la razza umana. Un abominio ricordato dall'ICAN (International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons) che, con un tweet ha diffuso (il 19 dicembre) questo manifesto sulla fine del calendario Maya:"21.12.2012 se il mondo non finisce domani, con 19mila armi atomiche intorno c'è una buona possibilità". Anche se oggi non va più di moda marciare per la Pace e il governo italiano, uno su tutti, può tranquillamente scegliere di comprarecacciabombardieri F35 e nuovi armamenti con le tasse dei cittadini, le armi nucleari sono una minaccia costante per la nostra esistenza, sia di per sé, sia per la mortale filiera atomica che serve per produrle, testarle e manutenerle.

Per capire come la fine del mondo possa avvenire in un secondo, l'ICAN spiega come ne bastino dieci, di secondi. In un video intitolato "Ten Seconds it's all it takes"l'organizzazione pacifista spiega infatti come bastino dieci secondi per fare azioni estremamente comuni ed "umane" quali allacciarsi le scarpe, bere dell'acqua, tagliare una fetta di torta, capovolgere l'esito di una partita di calcio, posare per una foto, e come servano giusto gli stessi secondi per "creare una catastrofe umanitaria". Scrive l'ICAN nel video: "Ci vogliono dieci secondi perché la palla di fuoco di una bomba nucleare arrivi al suo volume massimo, e per uccidere centinaia di migliaia di persone in pochi minuti. Altre migliaia saranno uccise dalle radiazioni per cui nessun dottore o agenzia di soccorso sarà capace di intervenire". Per questo ci vogliono anche "dieci secondi", ricorda l'organizzazione, per firmare un trattato che vieti le armi nucleari e lo stesso tempo per "condividere il video e dirlo ai tuoi amici". Purtroppo questo video postato su Youtube è stato visto da meno di 140 persone (è in linea da metà ottobre 2012), e il dato potrebbe dare lo spessore di quanto la popolazione mondiale, così interconnessa e "social" sia in realtà composta più da "spettatori mitridatizzati" che da soggetti "attivi e pensanti". Ecco probabilmente perché la fine del calendario Maya, o meglio la "fine del mondo" Maya, come è stata erroneamente "masticata" dall'industria dell'entertainment, non ha "preso" come i sociologi (ottimisti sulla reattività popolare) avevano immaginato.

C'è infatti una sorta di "mitridatizzazione da fine del mondo", una sorta di avvelenamento, minuscolo ma progressivo, che ha fatto abituare l'uomo "moderno" a convivere con una sorte di "fine immanente". E così se non c'è ormai dubbio che le armi nucleari siano una minaccia costante per la nostra esistenza di per se stessa, viene accettata silenziosamente anche una "fine del mondo progressiva" offerta dall'industria militar-nucleare. Questa industria, nata per bombardare Hiroshima e Nagasaki non cessa, come una spada di Damocle, di minacciare, con la sua intera storia di esplosioni, disastri e contaminazioni, la vita sul pianeta Terra. In altre parole Fukushima, così come Chernobyl (per citare quelle più conosciute), così come gli esperimenti atomici in atmosfera (tra il 1945 ed il 1993), così come lo smaltimento di acciai e rottami radioattivi, così come le infinite scorie nucleari (accumulate dal progetto Manhattan in poi), sono "entrati" ed "entrano progressivamente" nell'ecosistema per "uccidere dall'interno". Nel mondo c'è un'unicaassociazione internazionale che informa e divulga, coraggiosamente e con grande rigore scientifico, sul pericolo della contaminazione interna da parte dei materiali radioattivi. E' l'AIPRI (Association Internationale pour la Protection contre les Rayons Ionisants) fondata da "Monsieur nucléaire" Maurice Eugène André (esperto NBCR a funzione esclusiva). In uno degli ultimi post l'AIPRI dal suo blog fa il punto sull'"inganno dei fattori di dose per i quali si quantifica il danno biologico per una contaminazione interna".

Alcuni lettori si ricorderanno a proposito come Paolo Scampa, presidente dell'AIPRI, solo qualche tempo fa ricordasse su come Fukushima, proprio per questo motivo, fosse una "catastrofe appena iniziata". Ecco perché per Natale, proprio per riflettere sulla "scampata" fine del mondo Maya, sarà utile regalare un libro scritto proprio da Paolo Scampa che è già diventato un "cult" per gli addetti ai lavori e per chi combatte i "falsari della scienza". Si tratta de "La camera a gas atomica - Trattato di fisica sul contributo dei test nucleari alla contaminazione finale dell'atmosfera" (Edizioni Mare Nostrum - Austria). Quel che è nobile, da parte del Prof. Scampa, è che si tratta di un testo gratuito e davvero per tutti. Non a caso sul blog dell'AIPRI si sottolinea come "la radioprotezione non è una merce e il sapere non ha proprietà intellettuale". Non ci si lasci ingannare dal sottotitolo del libro. Come si legge nella prefazione: "Non è cosa comune trovare dei documenti scientifici a riguardo di argomenti complessi quali la 'fisica nucleare', redatti con uno stile linguistico molto fluido e perfettamente comprensibile anche da persone inesperte". Leggendolo infatti si capisce subito come la fine del mondo, purtroppo, è davvero nell'aria, per te e per me.

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