domenica 20 gennaio 2013

Machine guns requested to protect irradiators

Machine guns requested for U.S. nuclear sites due to ‘radiological sabotage’ concerns

Published: January 10th, 2013 at 7:59 am ET
Title: Enhanced firepower sought to fend off ‘radiological sabotage’ at nuclear sites
Source: The Hill
Author: Ben Goad
Date: Jan 9, 2013
h/t RadChick
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is moving forward with plans to outfit security guards protecting spent fuel storage sites at power plants with machine guns and other high-capacity weapons.
A supplemental proposed rule to be published Thursday in the Federal Register amends a 2011 regulation giving personnel at the sites “an expanded arsenal of weapons, including machine guns and semi-automatic, large capacity, assault weapons.” [...]
“The proposed action could reduce the risk that public health will be affected by radiological releases because of the increased likelihood of a successful repulsion of an attack,” the agency contends in the proposal. [...]

See also: Security Lieutenant: Workers encouraged to bring movies and video games to NYC-area nuclear plant -- Terrorists win over half the time during drills -- Attack "inevitable"

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