mercoledì 12 novembre 2014

43 Groups Insist UN Stop Lying About Fukushima

November 9, 2014

A Letter Hand-delivered to the UN and UNSCEAR, Requesting Revision of UNSCEAR Report And a New UN Mandate for UNSCEAR

On October 24, 2014, at the Fourth Committee of the UN General Assembly being held in New York City, representatives from Physicians for Social Responsibility (USA) and Human Rights Now (Tokyo, Japan) hand-delivered a letter to the chairperson of the 4th Committee and the Secretary of UNSCEAR.  The letter, co-signed by 43 civil society groups from 9 countries, including 21 Japanese groups, requested revision of the 2014 UNSCEAR report on Fukushima accident as well as a new UN mandate for UNSCEAR.

Date: 24 October 2014
To:       Members of the Fourth Committee of the UN General Assembly 69th Session,
Members of UNSCEAR, and
Members of the UN General Assembly:
Re:       Civil Society groups request revision of the recent United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) Report: “Levels and effects of radiation exposure due to the nuclear accident after the 2011 Great East-Japan Earthquake and tsunami.”
      The 2011 Fukushima disaster made UN oversight of the adverse effects of ionizing radiation an issue of utmost global importance.  The goals and criteria of oversight should be the protection and promotion of the human right to health and well-being, which encompasses an environment as free from exposure to man-made ionizing radiation as possible.  We, the undersigned, urge the 4th Committee to examine critically both the scientific conclusions in the UNSCEAR report[i] and the scientific evidence omitted from the report.

     Physicians from 19 national affiliates of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), including Physicians for Social Responsibility (USA) and IPPNW Germany, have authored/issued/published a Critique of the UNSCEAR report[ii] which calls into question the presumptions and data used by UNSCEAR, and the consequent interpretations and conclusions.  This Critique demonstrates how UNSCEAR systematically underestimates and downplays the health effects of the Fukushima disaster.

     We appreciate the significant efforts made by UNSCEAR committee members to evaluate the extensive and complex data concerning the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe.  However, their conclusion that there is “no discernable effect”, now or in the future, defies common sense and undermines the credibility of UNSCEAR.  The Critique notes that based on the UNSCEAR report itself, it can be expected that about 1,000 excess cases of thyroid cancer and between 4,300 and 16,800 other excess cancer cases would occur in Japan due to Fukushima radioactive fallout.  We believe that these are very discernable effects for the individuals, families and communities experiencing these cancers, as well as those individuals who will experience other form(s) of radiation induced illness.

     Furthermore, the conclusion by UNSCEAR of ‘no discernible health effect’ is misleading the Japanese government to not implement countermeasures for individuals to avoid additional exposure and to have thorough monitoring of health effects, thereby causing serious human rights violations. 

     This catastrophe was not a singular event that has come to an end, but rather it is an unfolding event with an unknown endpoint.  Radioactive elements continue to leak into the biosphere and individuals continue to be exposed to ionizing radiation because they live in contaminated areas, consume contaminated food and water and inhale contaminated air.  Additionally, most of the health effects from Fukushima will take decades or generations to be expressed.  Thus the UNSCEAR report at hand should be considered a preliminary or initial assessment of the health effects of Fukushima. Ongoing and improved monitoring and updating of the assessment is required for a long time to come.  The 2014 UNSCEAR report is a beginning, not an end.
     We ask that the Fourth Committee take two actions regarding the UNSCEAR report:
     1)  Return the report to UNSCEAR for revision based on the Critique, taking into consideration the points of concern raised in the Critique, and that UNSCEAR broaden the composition of the committee to include as full-fledged members scientists who are critical of nuclear activities.

     2) We also ask that the Fourth Committee urge the General Assembly to pass a new resolution reframing the 1955 UNSCEAR founding mandate to ensure that the UNSCEAR’s primary scientific mission is to promote and protect public health and the right to health of the most vulnerable individuals.  The Precautionary Principle should be employed to address the short-term and long-term effects of ionizing radiation upon present and future generations as well as the environment.  Likewise, the Precautionary Principle should be employed when determining exposure, cleanup and decontamination regulations and activities after a nuclear disaster, educational measures to minimize and mitigate the risk of individual exposure, and the long-term monitoring of contaminated sites.  A new UN mandate is critical for UNSCEAR Committee members to be able to fully utilize their expertise for the purpose of protecting the lives and health of the global community.
This request is supported by the following organizations:
Physicians for Social Responsibility, USA
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War – Germany, Germany
Human Rights Now, Tokyo, Japan
Peace Boat – US, USA
Niji to midori no kai, Japan
Greens Fukushima, Japan
Workers’ Executive Committee For Anti-nuclear Power Movements, Japan
Kai Fukushima Downwind, Japan
The Nature Conservation of Fukushima, Japan
Friends of the Earth Japan, Japan
Showa Shell Labour Union, Japan
Chernobyl Health Survey and Health-care Support for the Victims - Japan Women's Network, Japan
Nuclear Disaster Information Center, Japan
Japan International Volunteer Center, Japan
Campaign for Nuclear-free Japan, Japan
Fukushima Network for Denuclearization, Japan
Hairo Action Fukushima, Japan
Hairo Fukushima Women Against Nukes, Japan
People in Fukushima-NPP 30km area, Japan
Refugee Living with Fukushima in Niigata Prefecture, Japan
Shinshu 3.11 Network, Japan
National Network of Parents to Protect Children from Radiation, Japa
The Civil Forum on Nuclear Radiation Damages (CFNRD), Japan
Takagi School, Japan
Association de l'Education Environnementale pour les Futures Generations, Tunisia
NGO of “Ecolife”, Azerbaijan
Women in Europe for a Common Future International, Netherlands
Women in Europe for a Common Future, Germany
Women in Europe for a Common Future, France
Irish Doctors' Environmental Association (IDEA), Ireland
Nuclear Information and Resource Service, USA
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, USA
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, New York, USA
Nukewatch/The Progressive Foundation, USA
Nuclear Watch New Mexico, USA
Georgia WAND - Women's Actions for New Directions, USA
Physicians for Social Responsibility – Kansas City, USA
Gray Panthers, USA
Center for Safe Energy, USA
Nuclear Energy Information Service, USA
Shut Down Indian Point Now, USA
International Society of Doctors for the Environment, Switzerland

Beyond Nuclear, USA

[i]  UNSCEAR report “Levels and effects of radiation exposure due to the nuclear accident after the 2011 Great East-Japan Earthquake and tsunami” at:
[ii]  Critical Analysis of the UNSCEAR Report “Levels and effects of radiation exposure due to the nuclear accident after the 2011 Great East-Japan Earthquake and tsunami:

venerdì 7 novembre 2014

Multigenerational effects of exposure to radiation

Denuclearize or lose our species: Multigenerational effects of exposure to radiation

by Christopher Busby and Majia Nadesen

“PRESS RELEASE: Atomic Test Veteran Children and Grandchildren affected by fathers’ exposures to internal radiation from Uranium and Plutonium at the test sites”–Christopher Busby
To hear it from Jim Stone, Fukushima poses no serious risk to civilization or to the survival of the human species. The idea is merely a profit-making myth.
“Fukushima was bad, but it is Japan’s problem. All the stories about the Pacific dying are bold faced lies spewed for ratings to generate ad revenue. You still cannot go into many of the nuclear testing zones in Russia because it is too radioactive.
“America was more careful, and does not have similar problems. The 30 KM radius around Fukushima (which extends out 100 km to the North) is Japan’s equivalent of Russia’s old testing zone, which is a big disaster for Japan. But as far as the rest of the world? It is meaningless and will stay that way no matter what happens at Fuku.”
The problem is that real experts on radiation and health, such as Christopher Busby, internationally acclaimed expert on precisely this subject, and Majia Nadesen, who has just published a book about Fukushima, have a very different story for us–one with ominous implications for the future.
Interview with Majia Nadesen on “The Real Deal” (15 October 2014):
New research has disclosed that exposure to radiation turns out to have cross-generational DNA effects that current regulations and policies do not reflect, which was not the result that was expected; and that, if we continue to rely upon nuclear weapons and nuclear energy, the survival of the species is in jeopardy, after all. Read and weep.

New Study questions Japanese data underpinning current radiation risk model

by Christopher Busby

The results of a study of the health of children and grandchildren of British servicemen stationed at the atomic weapons test sites at Maralinga in Australia and Christmas Island in the Pacific will be published in the open peer-reviewed journal Epidemiology this week. Christopher Busby and Mireille Escande de Messieres conducted a case-control and cohort study of 605 children and 749 grandchildren of members of the British Nuclear Test Veterans Association (BNTVA) and compared congenital defects and cancer incidence with 311 control children and 498 control grandchildren of age-matched individuals. Results showed that, compared with controls:
  1. There was three times the number (105) of miscarriages in wives of veterans.
  2. There was 9.7 times adverse congenital conditions (57) in veteran children.
  3. There was 8.4 times adverse congenital conditions (46) veteran grandchildren.
  4. These rates were confirmed also by comparison with national EUROCAT data.
  5. The existence of the same highly statistically significant rate in both generations points to genomic instability as likely cause, a trans-generational genomic switch discovered after Chernobyl and shown in animal studies to affect many generations.
  6. The cause is argued to be Uranium, the main atom bomb constituent, which rained out at the test sites as sub micron particles in “black rain”. Recent research shows Uranium causes genomic effects at very low radiation doses because it binds to DNA and amplifies the radiation damage both through proximity and in other ways.
  7. Black rain of Uranium was also a feature of the Hiroshima Atomic bomb and Uranium has been measured several kilometers from the Hiroshima epicenter. The authors re-analyse adverse birth outcome rates in the official Hiroshima database and show that rates in the control groups defined in the study as “zero dose” have twice the rate than all Japan for the post A-bomb period.
  8. The Ministry of Defence, in arguing recent court cases rely upon the fact that dosimeters at the test sites show low doses. However these devices do not register Uranium or other alpha emitters. Uranium was not looked for at the sites.
  9. The study findings are supported by similar genomic effects found in Iraq populations exposed to Depleted Uranium particles (e.g. Fallujah sex-ratio, cancer and birth defects), USA and UK Gulf veterans, Uranium miners and workers and Navajo and other local populations living near Uranium waste tailings. All of these groups show chromosome defects consistent with their exposures to Uranium.
Speaking from Riga, Latvia, Dr Busby remarks: This multi-generational effect is an unexpected finding. There are implications for the current radiation risk models which legally underpin all nuclear power development and also the use of radioactive weapons. Although weakly radioactive, when ingested and inhaled Uranium has properties which enable it to directly damage DNA in ways that are not incorporated into current legislation. Uranium was not measured at the test sites and is not routinely measured near nuclear sites or in the environments either.

Fukushima: Dispossession or Denuclearization?

by Majia Nadesen

We pose the question starkly: Humanity must choose between denuclearization or dispossession.
Front cover (Majia)We document that nuclear power and weapons are connected and their complex fundamentally dispossesses citizens of liberal guarantees, including rights to property, free speech, and the pursuit of happiness.
We explore crisis management of the Fukushima disaster to demonstrate dispossession of rights of property, free speech, and the pursuit of happiness, through examples that include lost livelihoods and Fukushima children’s rising rates of thyroid cancer, among other topics: See Oiwa, Yuri (2014, August 24), Thyroid cancer diagnosed in 104 young people in Fukushima. The Asahi Shimbun,
We examine the history of radiation health effects to demonstrate historical conflicts between nuclear industry safety-guidelines and scientific studies of the biological effects of “internal emitters,” which are ingested and/or inhaled radionuclides.
We describe distortions in nuclear industry safety models deriving from invalid modeling techniques.
We demonstrate that nuclear power is market distorting because it externalizes its true costs and relies extensively on generous government subsidies.
We show that governments too often prioritize nuclear interests over democratic principles and practices: For example, we investigate media and popular resistance within Japan to the newly passed “state secrets” law, which is seen by many as directly threatening free speech and public health: See Toshihiro Okuyama and Hiroo Sunaoshi (2013, December 17) State secrets law raises concern about safety of nuclear power plants. The Asahi Shimbun,
We disclose strong public support in Japan and elsewhere for decentralized alternative energy production and we describe oligarchic energy industries’ efforts to maintain centralized control when challenged by the decentralizing production tendencies of alternative energy, such as solar: See Ex-Japanese PM on How Fukushima Meltdown was Worse than Chernobyl and Why He Now Opposes Nuclear Power. (2014, March 11). Democracy Now.
We are concerned that in the absence of public activism the choices made by governments and industry will prioritize short term profits and vested interests. “Dispossession” is the cumulative effect of these decision criteria in action.
Nuclear remains seductive in our Hobbesian world of vying nation-states, despite myriad acknowledged hazards, including aging and decaying infrastructures, recurrent nuclear “accidents,” unceasing contamination, and terrorism. Nuclear seduces even when its effluents threaten the ecosystem and, perhaps, even the human genome.
Fukushima steaming photo
Fukushima Steaming? August 13 2014
Vested nuclear interests reign, but democracy is not yet vanquished. We see public demand for systematic denuclearization as critical for long-term human sustainability. The time for political action wanes as scientists predict nuclear power plant accidents will occur with regular frequency: See Severe nuclear reactor accidents likely every 10 to 20 years, European study suggests (2012, May 22). Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
Mikhail Gorbachev noted in his Memoirs that prior to the Chernobyl disaster there had been 151 significant radiation leaks at nuclear power plants around the world.[i] He warned that one or two more accidents would produce contamination far worse than after a nuclear war.[ii] With Fukushima we are living in a highly contaminated age as research subjects with no options to discontinue the experiment.
Change in energy policy is necessary for human sustainability. If we do not denuclearize, we are going to be dispossessed.
Back cover (Majia)We are a diverse group of scholars living on four continents. What unites us is our vision for a sustainable future based in decentralized, sustainable energy.
Contributing editors to Fukushima: Dispossession or Denuclearization? are Antony Boys, Andrew McKillop, Majia Nadesan and Richard Wilcox. Harvey Wasserman, Christopher Busby, Paul Langley, Adam Broinowski, Christian Lystbaek, and The Fukushima Five contribute chapters. Cover artwork by William Banzai7.
Proceeds from the book: Proceeds from the book will be donated to the Fukushima Collective Evacuation Trial Team, a team of lawyers who are fighting in the courts in northern Japan to have children in Koriyama City, quite badly contaminated with radiation after the March 11, 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant disaster, evacuated to safe areas at government expense.

[i]  M. Gorbachev (1995) Memoirs. (London: Doubleday), p. 191.
[ii]  C. Neef (24 March 2011) ‘This Reactor Model Is No Good’ Documents Show Politburo Skepticism of Chernobyl’, Spiegel.

Christopher Busby is an internationally acclaimed British scientist, a member of the Royal Society of Medicine and of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology, known especially for his studies of the negative health effects of very low-dose ionising radiation.

Majia Nadesen is a professor of communication in the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences in the New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences and an expert on the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe. Her previous books include Fukushima and the Privatization of Risk.

domenica 26 ottobre 2014

Excess radiation is now planet-wide: EVACUATE TO WHERE?

Comment on Radiation 2010 – 2014

… by  Bob Nichols

Dead Planet
(San Francisco) – High Radiation levels exceeded the Evacuation Level requiring the wholesale Evacuation of civilians at many locations in the States over the past four years, from 2010 to 2014.
Those who remain are supposed to be wearing Hazmat Suits. Did Evacuation happen in your town or city? No, of course not. It did not happen anywhere that I know of.
This heavy radiation influx precedes the Fukushima Daiichi, Japan three reactor meltdowns. Therefore, by definition it cannot be just strictly from the Fukushima radiation releases.
The killing radiation came from some place else, plus Fukushima’s Rad. This pattern is repeated again and again in cities throughout America. What happened to beautiful Zapped America? Certain scuttlebutt in the nuclear community is that America’s is the most irradiated population in the world.
Getting Zapped like that leads to “shortened life spans” in the quaint expression of the American Nuclear Regulatory Commission. It means the Rad kills you before your time. This is from greatly increased rates of radiation induced heart disease, radiation induced cancers and hundreds of other radiation induced illnesses.
Today’s HazMat Suit Required and Evacuation Level cities include a lot of locations. Notable due to very high Radiation levels are the following: Billings, Montana, 769 CPM Idaho Falls, Idaho, 488 CPMRapid City, South Dakota, 463 CPM Grand Junction, Colorado, 465 CPM Colorado Springs, Colorado, 536 CPM San Diego, California, 417 CPM and Raleigh, North Carolina, 474 CPM
THE “EVACUATION REQUIRED” LEVEL IS 300 CPM [Counts Per Minute.] A single Count is One Radioactive Decay.
Evacuation is required by national and International law, with no mechanisms to implement it, other that private funds, ie, the victims own money in most cases. “Where” the radioactive people are to go is unknown. How to pay for their required health care is unknown. How to dispose of that many radioactive bodies is unknown.
The three destroyed and melted down reactors are not solely to blame for the nuclear deaths, illnesses and these, as yet undone, Required Evacuations. The current Evacuation Required cities of Billings, Idaho Falls, Rapid City, Grand Junction, Colorado Springs, San Diego, and Raleigh endured greatly elevated Radiation levels before Fukushima happened. The contaminated cities were close to or above Evacuation Levels 4 years ago and they still are. They are just higher because of Fukushima.
Although excess radiation is now planet-wide, for people with two or more houses in different parts of the country or world it is easy to simply move further away from the Radioactive Contamination hot spots. The vast majority of people can’t do that.
Their only solution to the contagion is euphemistically called Shelter In Place. People do the best they can with what they have. Everybody gets irradiated by recent or previous radiation releases. Everyone is included. No one is left out. No one escapes.
Those with two or more homes may be able to extend their lives a bit. How much? Don’t know – it depends on the individual and the locations. Those that don’t own two or more houses in “safe” areas? Do the best they can with their “shortened life span?”
That’s absurd; but, what other answer is there? EXAMPLE: See the graph of Billings’ radiation below. The deadly level of radiation in Billings preceded Fukushima, as it did in many other American cities.
Billings MT 4 Year 2014-10-20 14_27_17-Raw Data Charts
Billings, Montana Four Year Radiation Graph Above Evacuation Level 10/20/2014 Raw Data Chart
The 4 year CPM graph clearly shows the radiation count at or above the Evacuation Level for four years. The Sept 8, 2010 radiation level was 630 CPM. That was before three Fukushima reactors blew up on March 11, 2011.
The peak Billings’ radiation level in the last four years was 1,087 CPM on Nov 1, 2012. That is 3.6 times the Evacuation Level and more than 10 Times the Alert Level of 100 CPM. Oct 20’s Gamma CPM: current 769  High 1,087  Low 435  Average 597
[End] Notes
Copyright by Bob Nichols@2014. Reproduce and distribute, give full attribution to Bob Nichols and VeteransToday.
Rad Levels are sourced from the EPA and The graph is from using the paid member version for Oct 20, 2014. HazMat Suits on Amazon. Google: radiation hazmat suit Or, go to:
Bob Nichols’ Biography and Author’s Page on VeteransToday is at

lunedì 6 ottobre 2014

Il colonnello vince la "battaglia" con l'Asl: cure per uranio

Il colonnello vince la "battaglia" con l'Asl: cure per uranio impoverito, sì ai rimborsi

Carlo Calcagni, di Guagnano, si era visto negare per ordine della Regione il rimborso dell'80 per cento per le spese sostenute in un centro specializzato inglese sulla base di motivazioni ritenute dal giudice lacunose, in quanto non si stabiliscono le modalità per un pari trattamento in Italia
Redazione 5 Ottobre 2014
LECCE – Il colonnello dell’Esercito Carlo Calcagni, 50enne, in congedo, sembra che finalmente abbia vinto la sua battaglia: avrà diritto al rimborso delle spese mediche nella misura dell’80 per cento, per curarsi in un centro specialistico del Regno Unito.
Queste erano state bloccate su indicazione dell’assessorato dell’Asl di Brindisi. Lui, di Guagnano (ma residente a Cellino San Marco), appassionato sportivo, dirigente di un club di ciclismo guagnanese, ha contratto una grave malattia durante una missione in Bosnia Herzegovina  nel 1996.
La vicenda è nota ormai da anni. Il colonnello Calcagni, all’epoca pilota di elicottero, addetto al servizio Medevac (evaquazioni medico sanitarie), è solo una delle tante vittime di “fuoco amico”, a causa delle esalazioni dopo un massiccio bombardamento delle forze Nato con ordigni composti di uranio impoverito. E’ una malattia riconosciuta come dipendente da causa di servizio dai ministeri di Difesa ed Economia e finanze.
Le cure, come stabilito dai medici britannici, dovevano avvenire ogni tre mesi. Per questo il colonnello ha chiesto l’autorizzazione preventiva al ricovero all’Asl. I rimborsi, però, sono stati bloccati perché l’assessorato alla Sanità ha ritenuto che le sedute fossero troppo ravvicinate nel tempo.
Un’ordinanza del giudice del lavoro aveva già riconosciuto che fosse rispettato il diritto “ad essere curato presso il centro inglese secondo le modalità e tempistiche stabilite dallo stesso centro ospedaliero, con rimborso delle spese a carico dell'Asl secondo quanto previsto dall'articolo 6 del decreto ministeriale della Salute del 3 novembre 1989, nella misura dell'80 per cento”. 
Tutto inutile. La Regione Puglia aveva espresso parere negativo comunicando alle Asl del territorio “l'opportunità di non autorizzare cure all'estero per sensibilità chimica multipla ritenendo che le stesse possano essere autorizzate presso centri di riferimento presenti sul territorio nazionale”. Rivoltosi così al Tribunale di Brindisi, il giudice ha ritenuto non persuasive le argomentazioni della Regione espresse in una nota del 30 aprile scorso.
Il provvedimento sarebbe lacunoso, poiché, pur affermando che tali cure possano essere praticate anche in Italia, non sembri concretamente individuare i centri clinici italiani in grado di erogare la prestazione richiesta in modo adeguato al caso specifico. Diversamente da quanto avviene nel Regno Unito. “Altrettanto carente si rivela il parere della Regione Puglia, poiché difetta di un concreto apprezzamento del trattamento terapeutico richiesto e della sua effettiva ottenibilità, in termini equivalenti a quelli prospettati, presso un centro clinico nazionale”.
Per stigmatizzare la vicenda, di recente, si erano mossi nelle settimane scorse il vicecapogruppo vicario di Forza Italia alla Regione, Erio Congedo, e il consigliere Antonio Scianaro. I quali oggi commentano: “In una Regione disinteressata alla salute dei cittadini, ancora una volta è intervenuta la magistratura per ristabilire un clima di giustizia e riconoscere il diritto alle cure di un militare pugliese”.
"E' una notizia che riempie di soddisfazione – proseguono -, ma che rattrista per l'insensibilità mostrata dalle istituzioni regionali. Una Regione che nega i diritti, mettendo a rischio la salute e la vita del cittadino, anche quando, come in questo caso, c'erano già tre sentenze di condanna nei confronti dell'Asl di Brindisi e a favore del militare”.
“E' una vicenda sofferta che ha incontrato un lieto fine, ma è un momento anche di profonda riflessione su cosa significhi una politica che calpesta diritti e le fragilità di chi affronta una dura malattia. Di questo ci rammarichiamo come uomini – concludono -, ma soprattutto come politici rispetto ad un sistema che andrebbe rivoluzionato e che oggi rappresenta il primo fallimento di una politica costosa, inefficiente e che non guarda al bene della comunità".

martedì 30 settembre 2014

Ukraine is Killing its Soldiers with Chernobyl Armor

 Ukraine’s Chernobyl Armor

➷➷➷➷ ➷➷➷ ➷➷➷ ➷➷➷ ➷➷➷ ➷➷➷ ➷➷➷ ➷➷➷ ➷➷➷ ➷➷➷ ➷➷➷ ➷➷➷ ➷➷➷ ➷➷➷ ➷➷➷➷
Ukraine is Killing its Soldiers with Chernobyl Armor (💀Video💀)
Pic 1. f20bfefa88ee2c0a5e042f2f9f443ef5
Author: Ayre от September 26, 2014
Not only the Ukrainian regime shows no mercy for the rebellion in Donbass, it also maims those who have risen up in defense of Kiev’s unholy interests. Ukrainian military commanders have dispatched to the ATO area units equipped with radioactively contaminated armored vehicles that had been long mothballed at the Chernobyl nuclear disaster site. The vehicles are still highly radioactive and the defenders of the “united Ukraine” are bound to a certain and torturous death. 
The story has been leaked to TzarGrad TV channel by a Ukrainian serviceman who escaped to Russia. “What do I tell you… They treat us as cannon fodder and send to the frontline unarmed. We receive no backup whatsoever. Then we received new medical kits and my company got a word that some of the armored vehicles we are operating in the South-East were coming from storage bases in Chernobyl where they had been mothballed from 1986, the year of the [Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant] explosion. They remained there ever since and were recovered only now. And the guys use them! We needed radiation detectors, we were risking our lives out there when we were riding those contaminated rigs, we knew that we would die before we get back home, or shortly after.. The medical kits came with radiation detectors taken out ..”, said the doomed soldier.

venerdì 5 settembre 2014



Experts warn of crumbling US nuclear power plants

Infowars reporter Jon Bowne investigates the long forgotten, yet recent disasters of Chernobyl and Fukushima as the ill fated Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant deteriorates on the coast of California.

sabato 5 luglio 2014

Another Depleted Uranium Nightmare in Iraq?

Independence Day: Another Depleted Uranium Nightmare in Iraq?

July 4, 2014
strip banner
new-logo25Cassandra Anderson

As the U.S. considers another war in Iraq, it is important to reflect on the prior wars there on Independence Day.  The war in Iraq cost 4500 American lives and as many as 1.4 million Iraqi civilians have been killed.
In addition to the loss of life in the recent Iraq War, the Persian Gulf War from 1990 – 1991 was  the beginning of a nuclear nightmare in Iraq.
According to whistleblower and former U.S. Army Nuclear Physicist, Dr. Doug Rokke, the US used an astonishing 350 tons of depleted uranium (DU) in the Gulf Wars!  The solid radioactive materials were dispersed across battlefields in Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.
Over 160,000 US troops that participated in the first Gulf War have been classified as disabled due to topical exposure, ingestion and inhalation of DU. The dangerous effects last for eternity.
Please watch this video featuring Dr. Doug Rokke for more information about the dangers of DU:

It’s going to be a Different type of Independence Day in Iraq…..
Official Iraqi government statistics show that, prior to the outbreak of the First Gulf War in 1991, the rate of cancer cases in Iraq was 40 out of 100,000 people. By 1995, it had increased to 800 out of 100,000 people, and, by 2005, it had doubled to at least 1,600 out of 100,000 people. Current estimates show the increasing trend continuing.
Birth defects in Iraq are tragic and frightening.  Women in Fallujah don’t want to have children because rate of deformity in babies is very high and often fatal.  A study showed the rate of heart defects in Fallujah to be 13 times the rate found in Europe.  And the rate of birth defects involving the nervous system were calculated to be 33 times that found in Europe for the same number of births.
Iraq is not the enemy, but civilians have paid the ultimate price with their lives and their health.


It is unknown how many US troops are suffering from mental problems as a result of DU, because it is not monitored.  There are 22 US veteran suicides a day, with no end in sight.
Depleted uranium was used in ammunition and as armor plating for much of America’s tank fleet during both Gulf Wars.  The recurring DU nightmare is being brought back home as American local police departments are becoming militarized with used military equipment.  But no one is monitoring whether the equipment is contaminated.
DU is also reported to be commonly used in the commercial market, providing material for the trigger in smoke detectors and coloring in dental porcelain.
The real enemy is the greed of the war profiteers: the oil corporations and the military industrial complex.
The enemy has control over the governments of the US, the UK and France, the primary users of DU.  The governments block actions to ban DU and more studies because they don’t want to be held liable for their crimes.
Peace neutralizes the enemy.
The only way that we will have peace is to stop falling for the lies of our enemies.  We must stand up to our enemies and demand politicians declare peace.
We must become Independent from the control our enemies have over us.

giovedì 3 luglio 2014

Iraq’s Depleted Uranium Threat

Iraq’s Depleted Uranium Threat

Over the past two dozen years, the massive damage that the U.S. has inflicted on Iraq’s population, infrastructure and environment includes the residue from American “deplete uranium” weapons that can cause cancer and other illnesses, writes John LaForge.
By John LaForge

A new report from the Netherlands based on U.S. Air Force firing coördinates shows that the U.S. military fired its armor-piercing munitions  ¾  made of waste uranium-238 which is called “depleted uranium” or DU  ¾  into civilian areas of Iraq and at Iraqi troops during the 2003 invasion and occupation, defying the U.S. Air Force’s own legal advice that the toxic and radioactive ammunition be used only against hardened targets in compliance with the Laws of War.
The study, “Laid to Waste,” by the Dutch organization PAX found that the lack of legal obligations on U.S.-led militaries in Iraq to help clean-up after using DU weapons has resulted in Iraqi civilians and workers continuing to be exposed to the highly toxic heavy metal years after the war. The health risks posed by the inadequate management of Iraq’s DU contamination are unclear because neither U.S.-led forces nor the Iraqi government have supported health research into civilian DU exposures.
President George W. Bush and members of his national security team in Iraq in 2007
President George W. Bush and members of his national security team in Iraq in 2007
High-risk groups include people living near or working on dozens of Iraqi scrap metal sites where thousands of military vehicles  ¾ destroyed in the 1991 and 2003 bombardments  ¾  are stored or processed. Waste sites often lack official oversight and in places it has taken more than 10 years to decontaminate military wreckage from residential neighborhoods.
Hundreds of locations that were hit by the weapons, many of which are in populated areas, remain undocumented, and concern among Iraqi civilians over potential health effects from exposure, ingestion and inhalation is widespread.
“To help clean-up we urgently need to know the location and quantities of DU fired,” said the report’s author Wim Zwijnenburg. “The Iraqi government is also in dire need of technical support to help manage the many scrap metal sites where contaminated vehicles are stored.”
The ongoing refusal by the United States to release targeting information continues to hinder the assessment and management of DU in Iraq. The Dutch military contributed a few thousand troops to the Coalition Forces in Iraq, and peacekeepers in Kosovo, and raised alarms over contamination in 2001 and 2006.
A handful of U.S. targeting coordinates held by the Dutch Ministry of Defense, and released after a Freedom of Information Act request, show that U.S. war planes used DU weapons against a far wider range of targets and sites than previously suspected, including Iraqi troops. The U.S. and British governments have long asserted that DU is only for use against armored vehicles. They have often been called “tank busters.”
Depleted Uranium, a by-product of uranium enrichment for reactor fuel and H-bombs, is categorized as an intermediate-level radioactive waste; contaminated rubble and scrap metal are considered low-level radioactive waste. The Dutch study finds that international guidelines for dealing with both kinds of waste  ¾  from the International Commission on Radiological Protection  ¾ were ignored and that the Iraqi government did not have the technical capacity to safely manage such contamination.
Unlike anti-personnel landmines and other explosive remnants of war, no treaty currently obliges DU users to help clean-up after the war. However, civil radiation protection standards place the responsibility firmly at the foot of the polluters.
Low estimates suggest that at least 440,000 kilograms (488 tons) of DU was fired by the United States in both Gulf Wars in 1991 and 2003. Civilians living near contaminated sites, scrap-yard workers, Iraqi doctors and researchers have repeatedly voiced concerns over the effects of DU on health and the environment.
Hans von Sponeck, a former UN Assistant Secretary General and UN humanitarian coordinator for Iraq, told the Guardian last October, “There is definitive evidence of an alarming rise in birth defects, leukemia, cancer and other carcinogenic diseases in Iraq after the war.”
“In 2001, I saw in Geneva how a World Health Organization mission to conduct on-spot assessments in Basra and southern Iraq, where DU had led to devastating environmental health problems, was aborted under U.S. political pressure,” Sponeck said.
John LaForge is a Co-director of Nukewatch, a nuclear watchdog and environmental justice group in Wisconsin, edits its quarterly newsletter, and writes for PeaceVoice.

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