martedì 30 settembre 2014

Ukraine is Killing its Soldiers with Chernobyl Armor

 Ukraine’s Chernobyl Armor

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Ukraine is Killing its Soldiers with Chernobyl Armor (💀Video💀)
Pic 1. f20bfefa88ee2c0a5e042f2f9f443ef5
Author: Ayre от September 26, 2014
Not only the Ukrainian regime shows no mercy for the rebellion in Donbass, it also maims those who have risen up in defense of Kiev’s unholy interests. Ukrainian military commanders have dispatched to the ATO area units equipped with radioactively contaminated armored vehicles that had been long mothballed at the Chernobyl nuclear disaster site. The vehicles are still highly radioactive and the defenders of the “united Ukraine” are bound to a certain and torturous death. 
The story has been leaked to TzarGrad TV channel by a Ukrainian serviceman who escaped to Russia. “What do I tell you… They treat us as cannon fodder and send to the frontline unarmed. We receive no backup whatsoever. Then we received new medical kits and my company got a word that some of the armored vehicles we are operating in the South-East were coming from storage bases in Chernobyl where they had been mothballed from 1986, the year of the [Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant] explosion. They remained there ever since and were recovered only now. And the guys use them! We needed radiation detectors, we were risking our lives out there when we were riding those contaminated rigs, we knew that we would die before we get back home, or shortly after.. The medical kits came with radiation detectors taken out ..”, said the doomed soldier.

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