martedì 20 febbraio 2024

Army scientists secretly sprayed St Louis with ‘radioactive’ particles for YEARS

 Revealed: Army scientists secretly sprayed St Louis with ‘radioactive’ particles for YEARS to test chemical warfare technology

“The United States Military conducted top secret experiments on the citizens of St. Louis, Missouri, for years, exposing them to radioactive compounds, a researcher has claimed.

While it was known that the government sprayed ‘harmless’ zinc cadmium silfide particles over the general population in St Louis, Professor Lisa Martino-Taylor, a sociologist at St. Louis Community College, claims that a radioactive additive was also mixed with the compound.

She has accrued detailed descriptions as well as photographs of the spraying which exposed the unwitting public, predominantly in low-income and minority communities, to radioactive particles.”

“Through her research, she found photographs of how the particles were distributed from 1953-1954 and 1963-1965.

In Corpus Christi, the chemical was dropped from airplanes over large swathes of city.  In St Louis, the Army put chemical sprayers on buildings, like schools and public housing projects, and mounted them in station wagons for mobile use.

Despite the extent of the experiment, local politicians were not notified about the content of the testing. The people of St Louis were told that the Army was testing smoke screens to protect cities from a Russian attack.

‘It was pretty shocking. The level of duplicity and secrecy. Clearly they went to great lengths to deceive people,’ Professor Martino-Taylor said.

“In her findings, one of the compounds that was sprayed upon the public was called ‘FP2266’, according to the army’s documents, and was manufactured by US Radium. The compound, also known as Radium 226, was the same one that killed and sickened many of the US Radium workers.

The Army has admitted that it added a fluorescent substance to the ‘harmless’ compound, but whether or not the additive was radioactive remains classified.”

Operation LAC shows that the government is not above experimenting on and spraying its own citizens with toxic chemicals and/or compounds. It is still classified as to what exactly was in the material sprayed even though evidence was uncovered that it was radioactive. There is precedence for the government to spray its citizens in the name of research and protection against biological weapons and agents. However, if this operation wasn’t convincing enough to show that the idea of the government intentionally spraying its citizenry is not far-fetched, there was a law enacted in 1997 that seemingly allows for the government to test chemical and biological weapons on the public if they are given informed consent. This is known as public law 105-85:


  • (a) PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES.—The Secretary of Defense may not conduct (directly or by contract)—
    1. any test or experiment involving the use of a chemical agent or biological agent on a civilian population; or
    2. any other testing of a chemical agent or biological agent on human subjects.
  • (b) EXCEPTIONS.—Subject to subsections (c), (d), and (e), the prohibition in subsection (a) does not apply to a test or experiment carried out for any of the following purposes:
    1. Any peaceful purpose that is related to a medical, therapeutic, pharmaceutical, agricultural, industrial, or research activity.
    2. Any purpose that is directly related to protection against toxic chemicals or biological weapons and agents.
    3. Any law enforcement purpose, including any purpose related to riot control.
  • (c) INFORMED CONSENT REQUIRED.—The Secretary of Defense may conduct a test or experiment described in subsection (b) only if informed consent to the testing was obtained from each human subject in advance of the testing on that subject.
  • (d) PRIOR NOTICE TO CONGRESS.—Not later than 30 days after the date of final approval within the Department of Defense of plans for any experiment or study to be conducted by the Department of Defense (whether directly or under contract) involving the use of human subjects for the testing of a chemical agent or a biological agent, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate and the Committee on National Security of the House of Representatives a report setting forth a full accounting of those plans, and the experiment or study may then be conducted only after the end of the 30-day period beginning on the date such report is received by those committees.
  • (e) BIOLOGICAL AGENT DEFINED.—In this section, the term ‘‘biological agent’’ means any micro-organism (including bacteria, viruses, fungi, rickettsiac, or protozoa), pathogen, or infectious substance, and any naturally occurring, bioengineered, or synthesized component of any such micro-organism, pathogen, or infectious substance, whatever its origin or method of production, that is capable of causing—
    1. death, disease, or other biological malfunction in a human, an animal, a plant, or another living organism;
    2. deterioration of food, water, equipment, supplies, or materials of any kind; or
    3. deleterious alteration of the environment.

The way the law is written seems to discourage such actions until you realize that this kind of testing is permitted for research purposes as well as for protection against toxic chemicals and biological weapons/agents if informed consent is given. As the law is available for all to see if they so choose, in essence, we have been informed. By remaining silent, we agree to the terms through the law of acquiescence, which is a type of consent:

“In law, acquiescence occurs when a person knowingly stands by without raising any objection to the infringement of their rights, while someone else unknowingly and without malice aforethought acts in a manner inconsistent with their rights.[1] As a result of acquiescence, the person whose rights are infringed may lose the ability to make a legal claim against the infringer, or may be unable to obtain an injunction against continued infringement. The doctrine infers a form of “permission” that results from silence or passiveness over an extended period of time.”

Essentially, all the government needs is an excuse to spray our atmosphere in the guise of research and protection.

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