domenica 27 ottobre 2013

Fukushima: Health effects systematically underestimated

IPPNW press release of 25.10.2013

Doctors: Health effects are systematically underestimated

UNSCEAR report to Fukushimafolgen
Thyroid examination by a Japanese girl, photo: Ian Thomas Ash
Today's report by the United Nations Committee on the Consequences of Radiation (UNSCEAR) systematically downplayed the true extent of the health consequences of the Fukushima catastrophe. There is a specific failure information to the public. The criticize IPPNW doctors from Germany, the USA, Switzerland, France, Italy, Nigeria, Malaysia, Egypt and the Netherlands in their analysis of the report.
UNSCEAR indicates that "was to be expected no apparent increase of cancer in the affected population, which may be associated with radiation exposure." Doctors complain that the members of UNSCEAR in its report primarily on information from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), support the operating company TEPCO and the Japanese nuclear authorities. UNSCEAR it blindly relies on the dose to the power plant operators and ignores the numerous reports of manipulations and inconsistencies of these measurements. Neutral, independent institutes and research facilities that assess the critical events in Fukushima and out of higher doses of radiation are ignored.
Instead of taking the accounts of WHO as the basis for dose calculation, the UNSCEAR refers to little reliable whole-body measurements of individual isotopes and thus expects the total dose to the population small. The increased radiosensitivity of the unborn child is not taken into account in the calculations as recent radiobiological and genetic findings on the medical consequences of low-level radiation. UNSCEAR confirmed that it will lead to increased cancer cases indicates, however, that this will not be noticeable in the statistics and can not be clearly linked to the radioactive fallout - a strategy for how they pursued the cigarette corporations and the asbestos industry for decades.
Us as physicians is the health of our patients at heart. Everyone has the right to health and to live in a healthy environment. The residents of the contaminated areas is currently being denied this basic human right. Each case of cancer is one too many, and if, as must be several additional tens of thousands of cancer cases expected by the radioactive radiation in Fukushima, it's cynical and inappropriate to reduce the entitlement concerns and health risks of residents on a statistical problem . now is scientifically accepted that every even the smallest amount of radioactive radiation can cause cancer. There is no threshold dose below which radiation is harmless. Chronic exposure to radioactivity can lead to leukemias, lymphomas and solid tumors, as well as cardiovascular disease, cataracts and autoimmune diseases.
For decades, it is known that children, especially unborn children have a greatly increased radiosensitivity. For this reason, doctors try wherever possible to protect children and pregnant women from unnecessary radiation exposure. Due to the multiple meltdowns at Fukushima large amounts of radiation were set free and distributed by radioactive clouds.Only by good luck and the right wind direction of the metropolis Tokyo was spared a massive radiation. In the surrounding prefectures people but since more than 2 ½ years, increased radiation levels are exposed. The authorities can not protect people adequately.Iodine tablets for prophylaxis were not distributed, increasing the annual allowable radiation exposure limit for children to 20 mSv. Radioactive "hot spots" along school routes and at the edge of playgrounds and schoolyards are only marked with pennants and the consumption of products from Fukushima supported with locally patriotic campaigns - even in school canteens.
And the nuclear disaster is still ongoing: the unprotected power plant ruins still represent a major hazard and must continue to be intensively cooled. By undetected leaks continue to be flushed every day hundreds of tons of radioactive water into the Pacific. It is scientifically dubious, to draw from the data of one to two years, definitive conclusions about the coming decades and to give the all clear how the UNSCEAR report does . Already had to be operated on and treated for thyroid cancer in Fukushima 18 children in 25 other cases, biopsies have also shown a suspicion of cancer. Would be expected in a comparable population of just a single case. A connection with the nuclear disaster seems plausible.The further development (not only of thyroid cancer cases) must be well observed in the next decades. People must have the right to see their medical records and get a second opinion. Both are currently denied them. Also mainly young families and pregnant women need support to learn by themselves due to health concerns, decide to leave the contaminated areas. Instead, they are being encouraged to stay with elaborate campaigns and ineffective decontamination experiments. During the debate on the health consequences of the Fukushima nuclear disaster is about more than just the principle of independent research, the influence of powerful lobby groups are not leaning. It is also and above all the human right to health and a healthy environment. That's why we put the doctors report the nuclear lobby against our own critical response. IPPNW The full English commentary on the UNSCEAR report is available online Statement by Dr. Angelika Claussen, see Wilmen, spokesperson of the IPPNW, Tel 030-69 80 74-15,

Dr. Alex roses, roses [at] , German Section of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, Physicians for Social Responsibility (IPPNW), Körtestr. 10, 10967 Berlin, , Email: Wilmen [at]

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