martedì 19 gennaio 2021

Cognitive effects of low dose of ionizing radiation


Environment International

Cognitive effects of low dose of ionizing radiation – Lessons learned and research gaps from epidemiological and biological studies

François Boussind Dimitry Bazykae Arvid Nordenskjoldf Michiko Yamadag Kotaro Ozasah Simonetta Pazzagliai Laurence Royj IsabelleThierry-Chefabc Florentde Vathairek Mohammed Abderrafi Benotmanel1 ElisabethCardisabc


Reviewed evidence indicates potential effects of low doses of IR on cognition.

Gaps in our understanding of radiation induced cognitive deficit were identified.

Childhood cancer, A-bomb survivors and occupational cohorts may be informative to study radiation cognitive changes.

Animal models may elucidate the mechanism of radiation induced cognitive effects.

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