lunedì 2 novembre 2020

Nanometer-micrometer sized depleted uranium (DU) particles in the environment

. 2020 Jan;211:106077.
doi: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2019.106077. Epub 2019 Oct 31.

Nanometer-micrometer sized depleted uranium (DU) particles in the environment



Depleted uranium (DU) is a waste product from uranium enrichment that has several civilian and military applications. Significant amounts of DU in the form of particles or as fragments have been released into the environment as a consequence of military use of DU munitions, of industrial releases and of aircraft accidents. Thus, the present paper summarizes present knowledge on nanometer-micrometer sized depleted uranium (DU) particles collected in areas contaminated with such particles. Analysis of DU particles released to the environment has shown that uranium can be present in different crystalline structures and in different oxidation states. The weathering rates of DU particles and the subsequent remobilization of uranium species are also strongly connected to the oxidation state and crystalline phases of uranium, influencing the mobility and potential ecosystem transfer. Therefore, as has been observed for radioactive particles released from most nuclear events, the characteristics of DU particles can be linked to the source term and the release scenario as well as to environmental transformation processes. Although the radiation dose and radiotoxicity of DU is less than from natural occurring uranium, the mobility of U from oxidized DU and the associated chemical toxicity could be significantly higher than from natural UO2. The present paper summarizes present knowledge on depleted uranium particles identified in the environment.

Keywords: Radioactive particles; Source identification; Speciation; Synchrotron x-ray based techniques.

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